Page 80 of Love Me Reckless

“They’re going… to hate it,” she says in between measured breaths, her mouth a round O.

“Good thing you didn’t do it to please them,” I say.

There’s trepidation in her eyes. Behind it is a quiet but steely determination. “Indeed.”

Leif clicks off the machine and sits back, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. “Okay. All finished.” He slips off his gloves and reaches for a mirror.

Kirilee holds it up, and her lips part in awe. “It’s so beautiful.”

“Glad you like it.” Leif flashes her a proud grin.

“Yes. Oh my god. I can’t…” She swallows hard. “…believe it.”

Leif gives a low chuckle. “It takes some getting used to, but she’s yours for life.”

“That’s the best part.” Kirilee glances at Leif. “Thank you.”

“Welcome,” he replies, beaming.

After Leif adds a bandage and details the aftercare and healing process, it’s time to go.

“Whoa,” Kirilee says when she sits up.

“Adrenaline crash.” I help her stand. “I got you.”

Kirilee hugs Leif, catching him off-guard, and they both laugh.

Outside, the little town is completely still, the shops closed. Clouds have moved in, obscuring the stars, and the chilly night air smells of snow.

Kirilee is quiet as we walk.

“How does it feel?” I ask.

She gives me a thoughtful glance. “It definitely hurts, but I kind of like it.”

“Being in pain?”

“It’s forcing the memory to sink deeper. Making it last longer. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah.” We turn the final corner. “No regrets, then?”


Ahead, my truck looks lonely on the side street all by herself, the only light a faint glow from the main road.

“Thank you for being a part of it,” she says.

“It was an honor.” I give her sideways glance, and she smiles.

At my truck, I unlock it and help her inside, then cross over and jump in. But when I slide the keys into the ignition, she puts her hand on my thigh.

A charged heat passes between us. I think about what she just told me, about the memory sinking deeper because of the lasting ache. Is that why she’s already so deep in my heart? Because it’s breaking?

I exhale a slow breath and cover her hand with mine.

“What you said… before,” she says in a soft voice. “Is that what you’ve had to do too? Step into a future you can’t see?”

“In some ways, yeah.” Her hand is so delicate and smooth beneath mine. “Moving here was a little like that.”