“Tell me what happened.”
“I was supposed to… meet with this artist named James. Just a consult.” She inhales a stuttered breath. “But inside the shop, I got a phone call from one of my volunteer coordinators and I guess talking to her was against the rules… and apparently the receptionist thought I’m a sorority girl which maybe is against the rules too, but I didn’t get a chance to check.”
I stroke her back and sigh into her silky hair. Who is this receptionist prick? “I’m so sorry.”
“Why are sorority girls bad? Ava was in a sorority and she’s one of my best friends.”
“They’re not bad.”
“Then why did he say that?”
“I don’t know, maybe to scare you off.”
I brush the hair from her forehead so I can kiss it. Her skin is smooth against my lips, and her subtle cocoa scent is like waking up to the promise of a good day. A tremor skitters through me. It’s a warning, but I ignore it.
“You probably shine a little too bright for them.”
Her fingers curl into my jacket. “How do I stop?”
“Fuck, don’t think like that.” I lean back to look into her eyes. “Promise me you’ll keep shining that beautiful light of yours.”
“I don’t know how to do this.” Her voice gets tight, like she’s fighting tears.
“Do what?”
She gives a little whimper. “Make my family happy and not be miserable.”
“What do you think is making you miserable?”
“I don’t know.” She shakes her head. “I mean, I’m so grateful for my family. For the many opportunities I’ve been given.”
“You can be grateful and also want to make your own choices.”
Her eyes turn pained. “But wanting and having aren’t the same.”
“True. No one’s going to hand you that freedom. You have to fight for it.”
“I don’t like fighting.”
This makes me smile. “I know.”
She huffs a full breath. “Looks like I need to find a different tattoo shop.”
“You want company?”
She gives a soft laugh. “How do you always seem to be there when I need you?”
Prickles race down my spine. “Hot tub wish list, remember? We’re bonded for life. Come on, hop in my truck. You can pull up a list of shops while I drive.”
“Now? Really?”
“Why not?”
Her eyes light up and she laughs again. It’s so gentle and sweet. I try to hold onto the hope it stirs inside me.
I open my passenger door and offer my hand. The warmth from the contact ripples through me. Her palm feels so soft against mine. Delicate.