Page 67 of Love Me Reckless

The older brother takes a book and the two hurry down the sidewalk, chattering nonstop. I sit for another moment inside the warm cab as memories flicker to life inside my mind. Of me and Shel walking home from the bus. Of the kids I fought to protect him. Of our exhausted mom sitting with Shel on the couch, determined to help him read.

While I don’t relish the idea of Sheldon in jail, at least when he’s inside, I know he’s safe. That I’m safe.

Now that he’s out, there’s no telling what he’ll do.

Or the choices he’ll make when he gets in trouble.

Chapter Sixteen


I waketo my phone chirping from my nightstand. I peek at the screen. To my surprise, it’s Birch.

“Morning.” Outside my window, the world has gone snowy-white, with the lowering sun turning the surface crystals to glittering silver. From my window, I have a direct view of the barn, decorated with Christmas lights and a wreath above the door. It looks so festive and pretty.

“Can you meet me for lunch today?”

“You’re in town?”

“I arrived late last night.”

I roll away from my window and pull the covers back. “Aren’t you supposed to be in Oslo?”

“I wanted to spend time with you.”

My heart warms. This is unexpected, and sweet of him.

“See you at Campagne, then? Noon?”

“See you then.”

Birch has been out of town a lot lately, but he and his family are going to spend a week at the ranch for Christmas, so our families canspend it together. Grandma Theodora is coming too, and I’m excited. I love Christmas.

After getting dressed, I drive to Sofie and Zach’s place by the high school to pick her up for our morning date wrapping books for the Get Lit Giftaway.

“Merry almost Christmas!” She grabs me in a sideways hug, then sets a giant thermos between her feet and buckles up. “I brought us tea in case the library’s cold.”

I back out of their driveway. “Have you guys started packing yet?”

She gives their little rental house a tender smile. “A little. I’m going to miss it.”

“I’m so excited for you guys,” I say.

“Me too. I’m definitely looking forward to more space. When William has his football friends over, it’s wall-to-wall hormones. I’m surprised the roof hasn’t blown off.”

I take a left at the stop sign. The snowy streets have been plowed but it’s still a little slick, so I descend the hill with care.

“How’d your ski lesson go with Sawyer?” Sofie asks.

My stomach turns fluttery. “He was kind of klutzy at first. But he’s catching on fast. I’m taking him to the backside next time. Challenge him a bit.”

“One I have no doubt he’ll rise to,” Sofie says with a sly grin.

The light turns green and I accelerate slowly through the intersection. “He just wants to fit in with his crew. I’m happy to help.”

Sofie gives me a thoughtful glance. “I love that.”

I fight the heat creeping up my neck with a measured breath.