Page 64 of Love Me Reckless

I glance in the direction they’re staring. Kirilee sits next to the window, looking out, her fist tucked under her chin.

“Gracing us commoners with her presence, huh?”

“Probably a publicity stunt. Maybe she and Daddy are planning to buy Bear Mountain. Turn it into another off-limits playground for their rich friends.”

“Why does she go along with it?”

“Money,” the other one says with a scoff. “Obviously.”

“At least she’s doing the right thing marrying Birch Cahill. Otherwise, we’d have another Gold Coast on our hands. I just wish I had invested in wind turbines.”


Their order is called, and they drift toward the cashier.

What the women said about Kirilee and her family is a bunch of garbage… but it’s how they seemed totally at ease doing so that really gets me. What gives them the right to put her down when they know absolutely nothing about her? Kirilee doesn’t have a snobby bone in her body.

And while her dad may have purchased a very choice chunk of mountain for his private playground… in doing so, it’s benefitted a lot of people. Other guests looking for privacy and security, yeah, but also people like me. The St. Claires have pumped a lot of money into this valley, and maybe Kirilee’s dad is a shrewd businessman, but that doesn’t mean he’s evil.

The bit about Birch saving Finn River Ranch, though… what was that all about?

After picking up our order and paying, I carry the tray to the table. It’s a little tricky in the clunky ski boots to keep the waters from spilling, so I’m not fully paying attention to what’s going on around me until I get to our table. Next to us, two guys are sneaking looks at Kirilee and talking in low tones. What’s worse is the group behind them seem to have overheard because they’re checking Kirilee out too.

Don’t these people have anything more interesting to talk about?

Kirilee moves our mittens and gear to the opposite edge of the table. “Yum,” she says, thankfully oblivious to being the focus of our neighbors’ attention. “I’ll grab napkins.” Before I can stop her, she darts off to the back of the dining area.

The two dudes have gone quiet. One of them gives me a slow once-over, like he’s sizing me up.

“Is there a problem?” I ask, staring him down.

The guy refocuses on his food.

I force my frustration down, even though I’d like to tell this pair to mind their own business. I don’t want to put Kirilee in that kind of spotlight. And I don’t exactly want extra attention on me, either.

Kirilee returns and we settle in across from each other at the table, near the window. Even though our gear is piled up on the other edge of the table, it’s not the privacy wall I wish it was, but coupledwith the steady noise in here, it at least gives us a little bit of separation.

We dig in. The conversation I overheard from the two women rattles through my mind. Is this dreaded Gold Coast the reason why Kirilee’s so hell-bent on marrying Birch? He’s not only their pick for her, he’s saving the company from some sort of doom?

The tight knot behind my breastbone gives a little twist. I rub it with my fist, but it doesn’t help.

I wish I had more time with her.

“Your tip about asking the hardware store to precut the wood for me was genius,” Kirilee says. “I’ve been meaning to thank you.”

The thought of her working late into the night on her little libraries makes me smile. “How many are you up to now?”

“Four, including the one outside your house.”

“That’s great.”

“I have time for one more.” She gives me a tight smile, and the moment turns awkward.

I hold in my argument that she could have all the time in the world. Instead, I focus on carving out some of the potato flesh. “I finished that book. Why didn’t you warn me that there are four more in the series?”

Her grin lights up her face. “Does that mean you’re hooked?”

“My roommates too. Brody got it in audio.”