Page 44 of Love Me Reckless

“There’s nothing wrong with you.” I give her a sideways glance. “What’s wrong is the guy you’re supposed to marry wanting to change your body to serve some purpose.”

Her eyes turn troubled. “At least it was only temporary.”

“And that makes it okay?” I open the door to the lodge for her. Our eyes lock in the soft light.

“No,” she says in a quiet voice.

We walk side by side to the elevator, our shoes squeaking. From down the long hallway in the lobby, a fire crackles in the giant hearth.

Inside the elevator, Kirilee leans back against the mirrored wall and sighs.

“The pictures of me that night are awful. I’m pale, and I look like I’m about to cry.”

“Compared to tonight, how do you feel?”

She gives me a curious glance, so I put my hands on her shoulders and gently spin her around. Her eyes find mine in the reflection.

“Do you look pale and unhappy?” I ask.

She glances at herself, her face going still, like she’s taking this seriously. “No.”

I raise an eyebrow, and she laughs.

The elevator doors open, and we step into the hallway. I walk her to her suite. Her friends yank the door open, filling the hallway with a burst of music and their laughter, and drag Kirilee inside. She looks back, flashing me a thoughtful glance before the door closes behind her.

While the girls get ready, Zach and I kill time in the game room.

“This place is first class,” I say while we rack up a game of pool.

“It’s really generous of Kirilee to pick up the tab,” Zach says, dusting the tip of his stick.

“We’re still buying tonight though, right?” I tuck away the frame and grab a cue.

“Yep, Sofie and Ava are making sure she doesn’t bring her wallet. Just her ID.” He lines up and breaks. The nine drops into a side pocket.

“Does Kirilee’s wealth ever come between them?”

Zach moves around the table and lines up another shot. “Not that I’ve seen.”

“That’s kind of amazing. It could easily get weird.” He misses, so I move in, aiming for a corner shot.

“It’s another reason her parents are so wary of outsiders.”

I drop the four, then tap the six in a side pocket. “Have you crossed paths with them?”

“Yeah. After the investigation and everything, they asked to meet me.”

“What are they like?” I move to the other side of the table and set up for another corner shot.

“Reserved. Serious. I get the feeling her dad’s crazy smart. Hermom kind of has that regal air about her, but she seemed, I don’t know… cold?”

I drop another ball, then stand up to survey the table. “Where does Kirilee get all that warmth from?”

“She’s really close with her grandmother. I guess she’s kind of a character.”

Thinking about this blows my concentration, and I miss my next shot, paving the way for Zach to sink three in a row.

“Does her grandmother approve of this stupid marriage?”