Page 40 of Love Me Reckless

Sofie taps her clipboard. “Here’s two I know are nevers. Had an orgasm in public, and gone streaking.”

My mouth hangs open as my face ignites. “Never,” I squeak.

“Okay, last one,” Ava says, bumping fists with Sofie. “Bought sexy lingerie.”

“Ever,” I say with pride because it’s my guilty pleasure.

From the front seat, Sawyer rubs the back of his neck.

“Okay, this is the only one I’m not sure of,” Ava says, checking her clipboard. “Padded your bra. Never?”

My face is already hot, and being in the middle means I can’t roll down the window. “If it was a dress, not a bra, does it count?”

Ava and Sofie exchange a calculating look.

“I vote yes,” Sofie says.

“If the dress was intended to have the same effect as a padded bra, then yes,” Ava says, tapping her chin.

“Okay, then… ever.” My voice goes so high it’s practically a chirp.

Sawyer gives me another look, but it’s more of a scowl.

I squirm in my seat. “It was the gala for the Green Energy Awards. Birch had the dress altered but I thought it was to take up the hem.”

“Wait, Birch had… padding put into the dress?” Sofie asks, wrinkling her nose. “Why?”

“He wanted me to have cleavage?” I say it jokingly, but Sofie’s eyes tense with alarm.

Sawyer turns sideways in his seat, his gaze troubled. “Did you wear it?”

“It was too late to wear anything else.” I shrug, but the car has gone completely silent.

Ava takes my hand. “You’re perfect just the way you are, you know that, right?”

I lean into her and sigh. “I love you.”

“Love you back,” she says and kisses my temple.

Sofie offers me her fist, and I bump it with mine.

When we pullup to the hotel, while the guys check us in, Ava and Sofie usher me straight to our suite on the top floor. It’sa three-bedroom with a kitchenette, comfy living area, and the most gorgeous view. The sandy lake shore is dusted with snow and the sun is setting through a pale scrim of cloud cover, giving the water a hazy sheen. In the distance, soft green foothills dotted with aspen groves rise to snowy mountain peaks.

“Wow.” I walk past the dining area to the sliding glass door leading to our private patio.

Behind me, a cork pops, and I spin away from the view. In the kitchen, Ava is pouring three glasses of champagne. Sofie offers me one, then raises her glass.

“To Kirilee,” she says with a smile.

“To Kirilee!” Ava adds. We clink glasses and sip. The cool bubbles dance over my tongue.

A knock on the door sends Ava hurrying over. But it’s not the guys with our bags, it’s a hotel bellhop carrying a medium-sized houseplant with pale pink heart-shaped leaves in a white ceramic pot.

Ava carries the plant into the room, a curious look on her face. “It’s for you.”

“Is it from Birch?” Sofie asks, setting down her champagne.

“There’s a card,” Ava says, setting the plant in the middle of the coffee table and handing the envelope to me.