“He’s a cadet,” Birch replies, doing that open-mouth-jaw-clench thing again.
I raise an eyebrow. “He saved Sofie’s life and single-handedly dismantled a crime ring. And now he’s licensed to carry a weapon. I think I’ll be safe with him.”
“Fine,” he snaps.
He gives an exasperated huff. “This is not a game to me, Kirilee.”
“Promise me there’s no one else.”
He levels me with a steady gaze. “There’s no one else.”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.”
I feel backed into a corner, but didn’t I bring it on myself? “Okay.”
He smiles. “Good.”
When I step from his car and hurry inside so I can get ready for my tour, my sense of victory fades. Because a bachelorette party is an insignificant blip in time compared to the rest of my life. A few nights versus the many others I’m going to spend with Birch.
I slip out my phone and type out a text to Sofie.
Bachelorette party. Interested?
She calls me.
“I thought your parents said no,” she says, followed by the slurp of her sipping coffee. Shoot. Did I interrupt her studying?
“They did, but I got Birch to agree.”
“Oh. How’d that come about?”
“I just asked for it.” Though it’s much more complex than this, I don’t like oversharing. “Zach has to chaperone, though.”
Sofie laughs. “Ooh, I like that idea!”
“Can you find a date you’re both free? Then I’ll call Ava.”
“On it,” Sofie says. “See you tonight.”
My tummy flutters because tonight is William’s first football game with the Finn River Falcons and from what I’ve heard, the entire Alaska entourage is going to be there. Including Sawyer.
When I get out of the shower, I’m drying off when my mind wanders back to last night. I look at my reflection. Where would I get a tattoo? What design would I like?
I roll my arms, so my pale forearms are face up. Maybe a heart on my wrist, or a crescent moon? I turn and look over my shoulder. A flower on my lower back? If I had it done low enough, nobody would know it was there unless I was naked. Or I could do something small on my ankle—still discreet.
I think of Sawyer’s design. What does a dagger shrouded in thorns mean to him?
When I arriveat the main lodge port cochere, I’m still sifting through possible designs in my mind. Nothing feels right, but maybe it’s like Sawyer said, and the right one will magically take shape.
Mr. and Mrs. Prescott and their close friends the Zimmermans from Switzerland arrive right on time. I start with the lodge and restaurants, then show them our patio with the gorgeous view of the ski area and jagged mountain skyline. We then move to the swimming pool and recreation facilities all while I field their questions about membership privileges and the exclusivity and privacy Finn River Ranch offers.
When we descend to the lower level of the recreation building to visit the bike and ski shop and the childcare center, two people are coming out of Stu’s office.
It’s Sawyer and Zach, both dressed for mountain biking. Stu is right behind them, and all three of them are smiling.