Page 176 of Love Me Reckless

“He’s going to break my heart.”

“Aw, honey,” I say. “Why do you think that? Did he say something?”

She laughs, but it sounds a little unhinged. “No. He didn’t have to.”

“Did you, erm… enjoy yourself?”

She releases a tight groan. “It was the best sex of my life. My god, that man has stamina.”

I laugh. “Maybe it’s not so bad then?”

“You know how he is.” The soft thunk of her car door shutting fills the background. “Oh no, he’s coming. God, he looks good in the morning. Shit. I gotta go.”

“Call me later,” I say just before the line clicks off.

“Everything okay?” Sawyer asks, loading a plate with the omelet.

I butter our toast, deep in thought. “I may need to take care of a friend today.”

He leans to kiss my temple. “Let me know how I can help.”

“Maybe the four of us could do something together?” I ask.

A knowing look crosses his face. “Oh fuck. Ava and Hutch?”


“How about, like, mini golf? Or the swimming hole?”

“Too risky. Ava might club him, or drown him.”

“That bad, huh?”


He grimaces.

We’re still tossing ideas around in between bites when there’s a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it.” Sawyer crosses the small living room while I finish my bite of eggs. Moments later Sawyer’s back, with a haggard-looking Hutch in tow.

“Hey guys,” he says with a heavy sigh. “I hope it’s okay I’m here.” He glances at us both, his usual confident gaze edged with apprehension. “I think I’m in trouble.”

Ready for more of Sawyer& Kirilee? Catch up with them in the future with this bonus scene that begins with a special birthday celebration and ends with swoon-worthyspice!

Eager to dive into Ava& Hutch’s friends to lovers romance that starts with a bang? Keep reading for a sneak peek!

Love Me Fearless


I step from the cab,the scent of mountain pine and fresh-cut grass filling my senses. I savor the feeling of home settling inside me for an extra second before meeting the driver at the trunk to gather my suitcase and garment bag.

“You gettin’ married?” the driver asks, cocking his head at the tidy meadow, giant white shade tent, and the twin bride and groom cabins tucked into a shaded grove on the far side. The guest cabins are just out of sight below, hugging the lake shore.

“Me?” I laugh to cover the jolt to my stomach. “No. My best friend is.”

The man grins. “Aw, tell her congrats. I been married thirty-one years. Best decision I ever made.”