Page 165 of Love Me Reckless

I laugh because of course Carson would know this. I used to think Tara was the one with the inside scoop. Now I’m not so sure.

I turn into the lot and head for Brody’s truck.

“Sorry about your brother,” Carson says as I pull up alongside it. “That must be hard.”

“Sounds like he was really desperate,” Brody adds.

It’s a little too raw to talk about, but I want them both to know that I appreciate their kindness, so I nod. “Thanks, guys.”

“See you at the house?” Carson asks with a sly grin.

“Maybe with a guest?” Brody pumps his eyebrows.

“Kirilee’s welcome anytime,” Carson says. “You know that. Though I might need to pick up a pair of earplugs.”

I give his shoulder a shove and he laughs.

They jump out and shuffle to Brody’s truck. I watch them cruise to the exit. Before I follow them out of the lot, I dial Zach’s number.

“Hey, you doing okay?” he asks.

I put him on speaker and set the phone on the dash so I can drive. “Better now. I got my job back.”

He gives a low hum of approval. “Good news. And well deserved. Any idea what happened?”

“McTavish didn’t say.”

“I’d put money on Birch Cahill.”

I nod, even though he can’t see me. “Or Kirilee’s dad.”

“How’s she doing?”

“I’m heading to Grayson’s right now to pick her up.”

A bright warmth rises through me, heating the back of my neck and my face, making me smile. It was a struggle to leave the rental house this morning on time, and I can’t wait to be with her again. I remember that first night in Darby, when Zach admitted how crazy he is about Sofie. Now I understand. I cannot get enough of Kirilee, and I don’t think that’s ever going to change.

“Any progress with the ranch?” Zach asks.

Things could turn pretty bad if Kirilee’s family can’t put together a solution, but I’m not losing hope. “Not yet.”

“Grayson’s a smart guy. I’m sure he’s got ideas.”

“Thanks for everything you did last night.”

He releases a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry about Shel.”

I follow the long, paved curve past tall spruce and aspen trees, the pale blue sky peeking through the branches. “Me too.”

“If only he hadn’t pulled that gun?—”

“You aren’t taking blame for this,” I say. “He was trapped and he knew it.”

“Yeah. It doesn’t make it any easier, though.”

“I can’t imagine anything making this easier.”

He releases a heavy sigh. “Right.”