Page 156 of Love Me Reckless

Sawyer steps into the bedroom. He glances my way, a calm, steady look in his eyes. I try to read the meaning behind it. What is going on?

Keep following your heart, and you’ll get there.

Sawyer is here to help, right?

“No, no way,” Sheldon grits out. “You’re not supposed to be here! You’renotruining this for me.”

“Think about what you’re doing, Shel.” He sends me another quick glance, as if to reassure me. I see him take in my bulging purse and my bare ring finger. Why didn’t I just give up the ring? Why did I have to bring Sheldon here, thinking I could fix everything?

“You won’t get away with this and you know it,” Sawyer adds.

“No, not true. She gave me the money.” He shoots me a hard glare. “Tell him.”

I swallow the fear crowding into my throat. “I wanted to help him. He promised—” My voice cracks. It all sounds futile now. Foolish.

Sawyer grimaces, like he knows the rest, and refocuses on Sheldon. He takes a step forward, coming almost close enough for me to reach out and touch him. I want to, but I’m too scared to move.

Does Sawyer know about the gun?

“It’s not too late to do the right thing,” Sawyer says. “We’ll put it all back and you and I walk out of here together. We’ll make a plan, okay?”

“It’s too late for that.” Sheldon’s face twists in a sad grimace. “This is the last time, I swear to you.”

“That’s the addiction talking, little bro.” Sawyer takes another step closer to him. “Let me help you.”

“I don’t want your help.” Panic flashes on Sheldon’s face. He’s breathing fast, his chest heaving. He glances from me to Sawyer, like he can’t make up his mind. Then he reaches behind him, and in one motion, draws the gun and aims it at me.

“No more talking,” he says.

“Get down!” someone yells from the doorway.

Sawyer leaps, wrapping me in his arms as we sail through the air.

Chapter Thirty-Six


A gun firesand glass shatters all around us. We land on the floor at the foot of the bed. Kirilee screams. I cover her with my body while another gunshot explodes.

Sheldon cries out and tumbles backward.

“This is Finn River Security! Drop your weapon!” a man calls from the doorway.

I hear voices outside the room—more security agents—and an icy breeze whistles through the broken glass.

“What’s happening?” Kirilee whispers.

A man in a dark suit moves swiftly into the room, leading with a sleek black pistol. He continues to where Sheldon is wheezing on the floor near the entrance to the bathroom.

“I’m with Kirilee, we’re unarmed!” I call out.

A second agent files in from the doorway. It’s Agent Fisher.

From inside the bathroom, the gun skitters across the bathroom’s tile floor. “We’re clear!”

Agent Fisher barks into a radio. “We need an ambulance.”

A sickly dread pools in my chest. Sheldon’s been hit.