Page 145 of Love Me Reckless

“Can I see some ID, please?” the teller asks.

“Sure.” I hurry with my wallet again, my fingers stiff. During that emergency motor fix, it must have been colder than I thought because my hands have been stiff and achy since.

The teller nods. “Thank you.”

“Can I get a cash advance on my credit card?”

“Yes, up to five thousand.”

“Can we add that to my total withdrawal?”

“I’ll need you to complete some paperwork.”


The teller types into her keyboard and moments later, papers spit from a laser printer behind her. I skim the fine print and sign at the bottom, then return the forms.

The teller steps off her stool and opens the cash drawer. “Would you like hundreds?”

“Uh, yeah, that’s fine.”

After scooping up bills she locks the cash drawer again and turns to deal the hundreds into piles. “Would you like an envelope?”


With a smile, she gathers up the cash and slides it into a narrow envelope. It’s so full it’s bulging.

“Thank you.”

“Have a great day.”

As I head for the door with a minute to spare, I tell myself that if I managed to set aside twelve grand, I can save up again, meanwhilepaying back the cash advance. I have a good job with good pay. My rent is affordable. Food costs are high but I know how to be frugal.

It strikes me that this wad of cash could be used to help Kirilee get her loan, or support her if it comes to that after we figure things out. The thought is like an anchor that drags my heart into the depths.

How am I going to explain to her that I’m broke?

When I finally untangled my life from Shel’s toxic one, I made a pledge never to fight again. Never to lie again.

I’ve broken the first one, twice. And now I’m going to have to break the second. I shake off the sense of doom invading my gut. It’s going to be fine—once Sheldon is gone, I’ll start anew.

Outside the bank, I squint into the wind, spotting Zach in his truck, with Sheldon sitting next to him. When I trot across the empty lot, Zach starts his engine. I jump in the backseat.

“Hey big bro,” Sheldon says with his lopsided grin.

Zach and I make eye contact in his rearview mirror. “Let’s go.”

“Where?” Sheldon asks.

“Bus station,” I reply as Zach accelerates onto the freeway.

“Aw, don’t be like that.” His shoulders slump. “I was starting to like it here.”

“Once you’re in Boise, you have to switch buses, but you’re set all the way to Dallas.”

Sheldon looks out the window, but there’s not much to see in the falling darkness. “How much did you get me?”

I slide the envelope from my pocket and hold it up. “Fifteen.”