“What’s this ranch place?” he asks. “I saw signs.”
“Finn River Ranch is a private, members-only community.”
He arches an eyebrow. “Like for rich people?”
I’m not sure how best to answer this. “For anyone wanting privacy and security.”
“Gotcha. So… do these members mingle with the common folk? Or do they keep their money to themselves?”
I fight my urge to go on the defensive. Finn River Ranch members do all kinds of good for our community. Just last year, one family funded a brand-new playground in town, and in the past there have been other large gestures—a hospital wing, an updated airport. And without their continuous support, small town Finn River’s arts culture would not be nearly as vibrant.
“Most members are very generous,” I reply.
Sheldon purses his lips. “Can you get me in? I need to see this place.”
The idea of driving up to the gate in Sawyer’s truck after we used it as our getaway car just days ago sends pins and needles down my spine. “Maybe later?”
I drive through town, pointing out my favorite landmarks. Finn River’s historic hotel. The library. My favorite bookstore and the neighboring café that serves the best homemade fudge, our lively little music venue pub, The Limelight, and the park edging the lake. I pull into a spot so Sheldon can savor the view across the wind-scuffed water.
“It’s prettier in better weather,” I say to fill the silence.
His thigh jiggles sporadically, almost like he doesn’t know he’s doing it. “Cool.”
I’m tempted to get him talking about Sawyer and why things seem so strained. If Sheldon’s struggling, shouldn’t we help him?
I turn into Glory Holes at five minutes before ten, and scan for a space. Parking a big truck like this isn’t something I’m used to. Hutch pulls in behind me, with Ava next to him and Sofie in the backseat.
After we both park and I introduce Sheldon, he and Hutch peel off for the entrance while Ava and Sofie huddle close to me behind them. The cold wind skitters across the parking lot, tasting of old snow and dust.
“How’s your mom?” Sofie asks as we follow the guys.
“Better. She’s home with Grandma Dora, who insisted on staying in town to help.”
“Sounds like Dora,” Sofie says.
Tomorrow I promised to bring Sawyer home so she can meet him too. The thought fills me with gentle hope.
“How is your dad taking… what happened?” Ava winces, probably because she knows the answer.
“He’s furious.”
Sofie sighs. “That’s expected.”
“What about the business stuff? Any resolution there?” Ava asks.
“Not yet, but Grayson’s convinced this is an opportunity.”
Sofie pulls me into a hug. “It’s going to work out.”
Ava hugs me next, and I squeeze her tight.
“I gotta tell you guys something,” Sofie says under her breath. “At the house, okay?”
“Hold up, are you pregnant?” Ava asks.
Sofie’s eyes widen. “What? No.”