That night, I set up Sheldon on the couch. “No shenanigans tonight,” I say in a low tone. “I mean it.”
“You’re cute when you’re bossy. I bet she loves that, huh?”
I clench my fists. He’s just trying to fuck with me. If I don’t keep my head on straight, I’m going to do something I can’t fix.
“Goodnight,” I say over my shoulder.
“Nighty-night, big bro. Try to keep it down up there, will you? I need my beauty rest.”
Fuck this. I spin back to kick his ass but he’s laughing like this is all one big joke. “Kidding! Jeez, lighten up.”
With a hot exhale that might as well be dragon fire, I march upstairs to my room, flicking off the hall light on my way.
Before I slip into my room, I send Zach a text.
Sheldon’s here
He replies right away
The fuck?
Just showed up. Kirilee offered to show him around tomorrow. Can you keep an eye out?
On it
I reply with a thumbs up, then pocket my phone.
In my room, Kirilee is sitting on the edge of my bed. With her bare toes turned in and her long hair loose about her pretty face, she looks so fucking adorable in here that my heart thuds into my throat.
“Sorry that took me so long.” I shut the door behind me.
“It’s okay. It gave me a private minute in here.” She leans back on her hands and glances to my bookshelf, a coy expression on her face. “You lied to me.”
My face cools as blood drains to my feet. “What?”
“Making me think like you only read boring diesel mechanic manuals.”
“Who says they’re boring? And I never lied. You just didn’t ask the right questions.”
She laughs. “Maybe so. I was excited, after all.”
I scoop her up and flatten her in the middle of my bed. She squeals with delight, gazing up at me with that mixture of playfulness and trust that I love so much.
Like she’s seeing through me to the good underneath. The person I’ve always strived to be.
“What got you so excited, princess?”
Her grin lights up her whole face. “Talking about books with a hunky stranger who paid attention to me. I had to get myself off later.”
My cock jolts. “Is that right?”
“Hell yeah.” I poke her sides and she squeals again, wriggling beneath me in a way that’s sendingall systems gomessages to my dick. “Just for that little crack, you’re going to show me.”
She laughs again. “Mmm. Maybe you should make me.”
Fuck yes. I rip my shirt over my head and lower to her lips for a lusty kiss, then move lower. I slide her pants down and tug her to the edge of the bed so I can kneel for my feast. “After you come on my face.”