Page 11 of Love Me Reckless

“Yes, I like to read.”

“Favorite book.” He crosses his arms.


He scoffs, like I’m being difficult. “What’s your favorite book?”

“I don’t have a favorite. I read a hundred books a year at least.”

His mouth hangs open. “A fucking hundred? Okay, what’s your favoritetypeof book?”

“Can’t answer that either. I like them all.”

“Fantasy? Werewolves and shit?”

“And dragons,” I say.

“Kissing books?”

I cover my laugh, then remember what he said and drop my hand to my lap. “Romance, yes.” Without romance books, I would have slit my throat long ago.

“What about dragonsandkissing books?”

“Romantasy, yep. Big fan.”

“So, like, help me out. Does the heroine have sex with the dragon, ‘cause how does that work?”

I laugh. “Um, sometimes yes, if it’s a shifter romance. You’d have to read it to understand. Lately, I’ve been more into dragon rider epics.”

His puzzled look only makes me laugh harder.

“Okay, how about history? Biographies?”

“I’m a little rusty on wartime biographies currently, but yes.”

“How do you feel about YA?”

“Bring it. Especially if it’s angsty as fuck.”

Sawyer’s cheeks shine with his smile, bringing out a dimple on his left side. “Dropping the F-bomb, huh? You getting excited?”

This rough and ready hunk of a man is talking to me about books. Hell yes, I’m getting excited. I might need my battery-operated helper later to bring this moment to its rightful climax.

I fan my face in dramatic fashion to cover my true feelings. “What do you read?”

“Diesel Mechanic Monthly.”

I wrinkle my nose in confusion. “Sounds riveting.”

He shrugs. “Reading about fuel injection and ball bearings gets me hot.”

“Hmm, maybe I should add it to my list of acquisitions.”

He winks. “Make it angsty and I’m in.”

“Send me some recommendations.”

“You’d have to give me your number for that.”