Page 118 of Love Me Reckless

He hums a soft sigh, the deep timber of his voice vibrating through me. “I’m going to keep saying it.”

I focus on the rhythm of Sawyer’s steady breaths and close my eyes. I don’t yet understand what is happening inside me, but maybe, it’s enough to trust that someday, I will.

I waketo Sawyer carrying a large mug and a plate with one of the cinnamon rolls into the bedroom. He’s dressed only in a fresh pair of briefs, his muscular thighs flexing as he walks. The scent of the warmed cinnamon-y dough blends with the rich coffee, making me groan.

Sawyer grins. He places the plate on the bedside table and sits on the side of the bed while I scoot up, bringing the sheet around me.

I grab the mug with both hands and take a slow sip. The coffee is rich and strong.

“There’s cream,” he says, watching me.

“This is perfect.” My second sip warms me all the way to my toes.

“Hungry?” He cuts a bite of the cinnamon roll and offers it to me.

I give him a look. “Breakfast in bed? Now I really feel spoiled.”

He winks. “Good.”

I lean in and slide the bite into my mouth. “Yum.” I set the coffee down and slide the plate from his lap so I can cut him a bite.

His eyes sparkle like he’s humoring me as I lift the fork to his lips.

“Will you go to that house that’s for sale with me today?” I ask as he chews.

“You bet.”

I smile. “I figure it’s worth a second look, you know?”

“Hell yeah.” He takes the plate from me and cuts a bite, then feeds it to me. We’re getting to the sticky middle where the dough is softer, sweeter. I moan in delight.

“You’re going to have to stop making those noises if you ever want to get out of here.”

I laugh. “What if I like watching you squirm for once?” I take a turn feeding him, but when I slip the fork free, he leans in to kiss me, which makes us both laugh.

I inhale a full breath to refocus my thoughts. “I need to talk to my family, and Birch.”

“You don’t owe them anything.” Though his tone is neutral, like we’re discussing the weather or what to make for dinner, there’s a little muscle in his neck that’s gone taut.

“You’re right, but my actions affect my family. I can’t just walk away from them.”

He gives me a grim nod. “How can I help?”

I sit back and cradle the cup of coffee so it warms all my fingers. “I’ll start with my brother. Yesterday, he told me to have faith. That we would figure things out.”

He sets the plate aside. “That’s a good sign.”

“There’s one other thing, but you don’t have to go.”

His eyes flash. “Name it.”

“I want to visit my mom.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


While Kirilee finishes getting dressed,I hurry out to my truck to get it warm. Yesterday’s thick clouds have melted into the washed-out winter sky, and the cold air nips at my skin.