“I want to get drunk,” she says.
I laugh. “Um, what?”
She gives me a thoughtful glance. “I’ve never been drunk before. I think it’s something I should do.”
“That’s hardly a life’s ambition.”
“You asked what I want, now you’re gonna judge?”
I reach out and grab her toe. She yanks her foot back, but gifts me a smile.
“You want me to make a run to the liquor store? You could get smashed here. It’s probably the safest group of people to get drunk with.”
“Why is that?”
“Most of us are former hellions, so our raging days are over.”
“So you’re saying I’d be drinking alone? That doesn’t sound very fun.”
It’s true. I force the tension from my chest with a firm breath. “Okay, maybe that’s not one we can accomplish tonight then. What else do you want?”
Her lips curve into a playful grin and she cocks her head, like she’s savoring what she’s about to say. “To break a law.”
I arch an eyebrow. “You could flash me.”
To my delight, she blushes crimson. “And send me to jail in just a trench coat? Rude.”
I extend my arms along the back of the tub, the cold from the wet deck doing nothing to dampen the heat building in my core. “Why do you want to break a law?”
“I just want to do something… I don’t know… reckless, just once.”
My cock twitches. Reckless, huh? I have about a hundred ideas. “Have you ever had a traffic ticket?”
“Of course not.”
“That would be an easy one. Just drive a littlefast.”
“That’s dangerous.”
She has a point. I stroke my chin and pretend to think. “You could steal something.”
Her eyes flash. “No way, I could never!”
“Is it the thrill of doing something bad, or is it the getting caught?”
Her cheeks flush again. “Maybe both.”
“How about we drive to a convenience store? You could sneak something small. See if they catch you.”
“What if they don’t?”
“What, you want to be punished?” Sweet Lord, my cock is going to explode.
“I mean, I don’t want to go to jail, but maybe community service or something.”
I take a cooling breath. At least my lower half is underwater right now. “You could totally do community service.”
She nods, her face earnest. “I’ll build one little library for every pack of gum I steal.”