“That’s what I thought,” the man grunts in a harsh tone.
“Kristov’s in custody,” I blurt out—even if this isn’t true, I need to knock this man down a notch.
Another blow to my back, this one harder. I try to suck in air, but it’s like breathing hot embers.
“You don’t know shit.”
He grabs my hair and tugs. I huff against the pain.
“You’re gonna count to a hundred right here with your face in the fucking dirt. Then you’re going to go back down the way you came. And no more field assignments. I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
I ball my fists and focus on breathing so I don’t explode. The man rocks back, easing the pressure off me with a grunt.
“Kristov’s been looking for you. Lookin’ hard. But your secret’s safe with me.”
He stands there between my sprawled legs for an instant, likely aiming the gun at my head. Probably savoring the power he has over me.
I lay there breathing in shallow gulps, trying not to scream in frustration.
The man takes a step back, then another, no doubt still ready with his gun if I move. His footsteps fade until I no longer hear them over my shaky breaths.
I’m not sure how long I lay there like roadkill, alone with what’s just happened, the cold creeping into my bones.
Now I know who got me outside The Limelight.
That he’s connected to Kristov shouldn’t be a surprise, especially if theygo way back. Kristov’s been all over, a detail he liked to rub in my face, as if growing up in Washington State and working the railroad all over the west made him more cultured.
Do Kristov and this guy now work together somehow? Or is it more of a turf thing—two leaders keeping tabs on each other?
However they’re linked, what matters is he knows Kristov’s habits. So he knows exactly why I’ll do anything to keep him from getting custody of my brother.
Even lie.
Slowly, I push off my hands, gasping at the tight ache in my chest, and sit back on my heels. The bright yellow larch trees seem to swim in the blue sky. I breathe in shallow gulps, waiting for my stomach to settle. But the scent in the air is different. It smells like winter, like decay.
Unable to hold it in, I lurch forward and hurl into the dirt. The splattering on the ground causes another spasm in my chest, and I heave again. I close my eyes and breathe through my mouth, but I’m shaking, my throat raw.
Finally, I wipe my mouth and use the rock to help me stand. The pain is like a hot knife when I move, so I rest between shifting positions, huffing the cold air. Finally, I’m upright. I rest my back against the boulder. Dead larch needles cling to my shirt and knees, and I’m sure there’s puke splattered on my pants. Prickly dirt trickles down my back. It makes me want to rip my shirt off. I could walk back up to that lake and dive in, never come up for air again.
If it wasn’t for William, I would be tempted.
I heave a slow breath and close my eyes. In my mind’s eye, I see Sofie, gazing at me with that wicked grin, the one that turns my crank.
I’m going to have to lie to her, too.
The weight of my situation sinks through me, making every breath feel thick and prickly. I ball my fists. Fuck!
This is why I should have stayed away. Resisted my stupid, stupid cravings. Because I’m going to hurt her, and she deserves so much better.
The loss rises up inside me, big and dark and so fucking painful. My chest hurts like my heart is in a vice. I rub the place with the heel of my hand but it doesn’t help. A sob rips through me and I shut my eyes tight.
I’m going to lose her.
But if I’m not careful, I’m going to lose everything.
With the new burner phone tucked into my pack, I limp back to the trail.