Page 39 of Love Me Dangerous

By the time I finish turning out Cocoa, Dad’s in bed, and the house is silent. I make sure the range is off and the coffeemaker is set, then take a long shower before falling into bed.

Sleep doesn’t come easy. I should have told Dad about Jesse. When Iclose my eyes, I start dreaming of the owl Zach and I rescued. The way she calmed when she felt safe, then took off the first chance she got.

Zach’sis that what it’s like for you?rattles around in my head.

Something stiff pokesfrom the pocket of my work chinos when I get ready for work. It’s Teague Lennox’s card, the one with just a phone number. Crap. I forgot to call him.

As soon as I get Linnie off to school, I slip the card from my pocket and dial from the house line. Maybe I’m being paranoid about not using my cell, but whatever.

He answers on the second ring.

“Mr. Lennox? It’s Sofie Whittaker from the Childcare Center.”

“Hey, Sofie,” he says, his tone warm, like he’s excited to hear from me.

“Sorry I didn’t call this weekend.” I hold back from sharing the reasons why. He likely has no interest in my life.

“No problem. I’ve got an event at the house this Friday, and I need help with Arlo. Would you be interested? Your boss said it’s okay to ask you.”

He already cleared it with Eddi, huh? That means I definitely can’t bow out. “What time?” I’m pulling fences until four, and then I need to take care of Linnie until Dad gets home.

“Seven o’clock, but these things sometimes go into the wee hours. It’s probably best if you stay the night. There’s a guest room. I’d pay you extra, of course.”

It’s not unusual to get babysitting requests. Last winter, Ava landed a month-long gig with a family she adored and made enough money to cover an entire semester’s tuition. So why does saying yes to Mr. Lennox make my chest feel tight?

“Arlo would love it,” Mr. Lennox says. “There’s the pool, and the game room, or movies—whatever you guys want to do.”

“I just need to check on one thing,” I say. “But I should be able to.”

“Wonderful. Arlo willbe thrilled.”

“I’ll get back to you later today.”

“Arlo will be at the Childcare Center on Wednesday. You can tell me then.”

Kind of demanding, but he’s a Hollywood star, used to getting his way. Maybe that’s what’s got me feeling hesitant. “All right.”

We end the call, and I finish the dishes, then brush my teeth and slip into my coat.

I tell myself it’ll be fine. It’s a babysitting gig. One night. Just because I’m on edge about it doesn’t mean Mr. Lennox has anything else on his mind besides someone he trusts to take care of his kid.

So why am I considering turning him down?

Chapter Eleven


I wakeup thinking about kissing Sofie and the way she gripped my waist, like she needed me to steady her. I close my eyes and relive the sensation of my feet in the cold creek and the clouds dancing overhead.

Her lips were so fucking soft. And she smelled so good.

Fuck if I don’t want more of it.

A lot more.

The memory of our kiss lingers throughout my morning, from barn chores to checking in with Stu to driving the ranch boundary to another area I’ve been asked to explore.

As I hike, I half expect to hear motorbikes, but there’s only the wind and the trickle of meltwater from the high country. Do I need to worry about Gabe? What about Jesse? I’m almost certain whatever he swallowed in that bathroom wasn’t a legal substance. In that moment outside the diner, I was about to intervene. But I saved my own skin instead.