Page 136 of Love Me Dangerous

“Same cabin?” I ask.

Her cheeks flush. “God, no.”

“You could just plan to be seasick the whole time. Bring some really great books.”

Kirilee laughs. “That’s a good backup plan. At least he’s not as bad as McLain.”

Ava and I groan.

Kirilee pops a donut hole into her mouth. “What’s happening in the case against Dustin and Kai?”

I swallow a gulp of coffee. “They are both being charged with trafficking, but Dustin’s case is more serious.” Neve admitted to buying from Kai the night she overdosed, but I don’t know Kai’s side of the story. Did he not know what he was selling? Or did he mix what Dustin gave him with fentanyl to make his product even more addictive—and deadly?

“Did they get who else is involved?” Kirilee asks.

“I don’t know,” I say. I should probably care more, but the energy required just isn’t there. “They towed away the trailer, though.” I suppress a shudder. The crime scene techs found traces of all kinds of things in there.

Ava’s eyes fill with compassion. “That’s good.”

Kirilee covers my hand with hers. “Now that your dad got that poacher, the woods are officially safe again.”

“So smart of him tracking people across social media,” Ava adds before blowing on her coffee and taking a sip.

“He had some help from the forensic guys in Brinnon.” I’m relieved Dad cracked the case, and I’m especially grateful Gabe wasn’t involved.

“What’s the latest from Zach?” Kirilee asks.

I try to smile. “He and William are having a lot of fun together.”

“He misses you, though, right?” Ava asks.

“Yeah.” My friends can likely hear the waver in my voice. See the doubt behind my smile.

“I think we should plan a trip together,” Kirilee says.

“To Alaska?” I ask, horrified.

She laughs. “No, someplace fun. Maybe after Christmas?”

My two friends share a look.

“That’s a great idea.” I remember Zach’s encouragement to spend New Year’s Eve with someone who cares about me. I wish I felt proud of myself for accepting my friends’ invitation. Spending New Year’s with them is a great idea.

But I can’t help thinking about Zach. In that moment, I had clung to the idea of spending that night with him.

Chapter Thirty-Three


The Huttonsinvite us over for dinner a few days after Christmas. They have a new colt they want to show Linnie, and they’ve asked Jesse for help with transferring some old movies into digital. Their boys have been home for the holidays, so it’s sweet they remember us. Or maybe they’re missing Zach as much as we are.

Jesse is coming separately after work, so Linnie, Dad, and I arrive by late afternoon with the sun melting into the snowy forest, the final rays casting the mountains in a pink glow.

When Dad pulls up to the house, Honey and Rex are already racing toward us, tails wagging. Henry steps through the farmhouse door in new Wranglers and a pressed button-down shirt with his shiny silver rodeo belt buckle.

Linnie bolts from the car with her giant bag of carrots but bends low to greet the dogs. Dad and Henry wave, and I follow him toward the house.

“Good thing you brought those,” Henry says, nodding at Linnie’s carrots as if the two of them are picking up a conversation.