Page 10 of Hush

Ben turned to see Kelly extending his phone across Mark’s lap. He took it and frowned. The screen showed a picture of a smiling blonde woman. “What’s this?” he asked, skimming down the page.

“She’s cute, and I’ll bet she’d jump at the chance to date a handsome guy like you. Maybe even tonight.”

“Is this the dating site?” Ben asked. The blonde woman liked horses, and she worked in a bank. He handed the phone back.

Kelly nodded at the phone. “Click the ‘back’ button. There’s a whole page of ‘em.”

Frowning, Ben opened the previous page, which showed a thumbnail image of a dozen faces. He was stunned. There were this many single women in Walla Walla?

“Go on, have a peek. You see any you’re interested in, and I’ll set it up.”

“Wait, you’d contact themforme?” he asked. “C’mon, like I said, do I look like I need any help?”

Mark gave him a sly look. “No comment.”

Ben rolled his eyes. He was about to hand the phone back when an image caught his eye. He clicked on the thumbnail. When the page opened, he heard his breath choke to a stop.

“See, I knew you’d get into it,” Kelly said.

But Ben wasn’t listening. The page listed the woman—Paris_Dreamer—as thirty-two, divorced, with one child, who liked to travel, read, and dance. It included a short poem about stones in a river, which didn’t seem relevant but did, somehow, because he knew this woman.Elise. Her picture didn’t show all of her face, but he’d recognize that delicate jawline and her pink lips anywhere. He groaned, thinking about her perfect mouth trailing kisses down his chest while her small hands stroked his cock.

He shook this fantasy free of his thoughts, wondering why such a fine lady as Elise was on a dating site? The idea she couldn’t get a date was laughable.Dancing, he thought, remembering the sight of her in a leotard and that little sheer skirt tied around her waist. Her lean legs and perfect curves would make any man’s mouth water. Though he didn’t know Elise very well, this didn’t seem like her. She seemed too shy for something like this.

“Want me to contact her?” Kelly asked.

The comment yanked Ben out of the image he’d dived into where he was stroking Elise’s bare hip as they danced naked in his living room.

“No,” Ben said as a flush of heat drenched his skin.

“Party pooper,” Mark said.

“Sorry, guys,” Ben said, handing the phone back. “It’s just not me.”

On the nearest court, the game ended, and the two teams were shaking hands. One of the players of the winning team shifted his way, and Ben felt a prickle on the nape of his neck. It was Garrett Mallory, Elise’s ex.

“Fuck,” Ben muttered.

After winning another match, Ben’s team progressed to the finals. He checked his watch—almost three o’clock. He still wasn’t sure about attending the party.

The bleachers were now filling up with family members and onlookers. Ben and his teammates walked onto the court. The opposing team broke from a huddle near the corner of the bleachers, and Ben noticed Garrett was one of the players.

A beat of recognition flickered in Garrett’s eyes as they approached the middle of the court.

“Howdy, Doc,” Garrett said.

“How’s Jaden doing?” Ben asked.

“Good,” Garrett replied.

Ben wondered if Garrett even knew—the fact he was here playing basketball and not taking care of his son meant Jaden was probably with Elise.

The six men faced off in the circle, and the ref blew his whistle. He then tossed the ball, and Mark tipped it to Ben’s hands. Ben shot down the court, then passed to Mark, who set up Kelly for a jump shot. He made it, and his team switched to defense. Garrett’s team members were just as fast, and he used a play that earned them two points. The next several plays passed in a blur, leaving both teams with six points.

Ben called for a play they’d created, then dribbled down the court. Once he got inside the three-point line, Garrett moved forward to guard him, pressing in close. The two players bumped bodies, the smell of his sweat ripe in Ben’s nostrils.

“I did my homework, Doc,” Garrett hissed as Ben pumped the ball, waiting for Mark and Kelly to shake their defense. “Top of your class. So why did you end up out here?”

The pick worked, and Kelly appeared under the hoop on schedule. Ben pivoted, and he had the ball in Kelly’s hands in seconds. Another defender tried to block the shot, but Kelly was already in the air.