Page 52 of Hush

“Ben,” Jaden called, his eyes wide. He jumped down from the kitchen stool where he was eating a bowl of late-night oatmeal and raced to the front of the house, his small feet thundering against the floor. Elise checked her reflection in the microwave door and quickly followed, her tummy playing hopscotch.

Jaden swung the door wide open to reveal Ben in a black peacoat, his arms full of packages.

“Surprise,” he sang, stomping his feet on the mat before stepping inside.

“But it’s not Christmas for another week,” Elise said, her heart filling with so much heat and joy she couldn’t help but laugh, as if happiness were suddenly overflowing.

“So?” Ben said, his eyes sparkling.

“Mama, can we open them?” Jaden asked, practically wriggling right out of his skin.

They walked into the living room where Elise had put up a small tree with lights. She had thought to wait to decorate it, hoping maybe Ben could join them.

“Maybe we’ll open one,” Elise said as Ben lowered the pile of gifts to the coffee table.

“Aw,” Jaden said.

Halfway out of his coat and scarf, Ben laughed.

“Jaden,” Elise warned. “That’s a rather good compromise, don’t you think? Otherwise, you won’t have anything to open on Christmas morning.”

But Jaden wasn’t listening because Ben had handed him the biggest present in the pile. While Jaden carefully unwrapped the ribbon and paper, Ben reached for Elise’s hand and squeezed. Her body tensed with yearning. She fell into his arms, feeling the warmth from his chest flow into her.

“I have something for you, too,” he said in a soft voice. “But I think it would be best to open it later,” he added, giving her a sly smile.

Elise felt her pulse thump faster, sending little waves to the base of her core, which was heating rapidly. “I see,” she said, trying to hold in her giggle, but it was too hard. Everything felt so rich and full. She squeezed Ben’s hand. “Will you tell me about today?” she asked.

Ben nodded, then kissed her forehead. “Later,” he said.

“Wow!” Jaden cried as the paper peeled back to reveal a fire station Lego kit. The picture on the box showed a fire tower, several engines, a helicopter, and what looked like thousands of pieces.

“You planning on moving in so you can help him build that?” Elise joked.

“I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me,” Ben replied, his hand moving to the small of her back to urge her closer.

Jaden was already moving to a section of floor in front of the fireplace where he proceeded to rip open the box.

“What do you say, Jaden?” Elise asked.

Jaden looked up to grin at Ben. “Thank you,” he sang, then returned to the work of sorting the plastic bags of grouped bricks, laying them out in order. The stiff cast on his wrist didn’t slow him down.

“You need any help?” Ben asked.

“Sure,” Jaden replied, his fingers flipping the pages of the instruction book.

Ben glanced at Elise, his eyes a serene, warm expanse that seemed so vast, as if she could fall into them and be carried away to a place of comfort and peace.

“I’ll make you a deal,” Ben said, the grin practically bursting off his face. “It’s pretty late already. How many packages do you think we should do tonight?”

“Uh, four?” Jaden said.

“Okay, we’ll do four, then we’ll do the rest tomorrow morning.”

Jaden lifted his head, his face slack with focus. “You’ll be here tomorrow morning?” he asked.

Elise felt her stomach clench. “Is that okay, Jaden?”

Jaden glanced from her face to Ben’s, his fingers locked onto the Lego pieces he’d just selected. “It’s okay with me,” he said easily, then returned to his work.