Ben gripped the rails of the bed as his heart, so full of emotion, clenched tight. Then he stepped back around the curtain, heading for the operating suite.
“He was watching TV and eating Doritos,” Elise hissed into the phone while her feet wore a path up and down the hallway. “Where were you?” Jaden had been in surgery for only half an hour, and she felt like the walls were closing in on her. Why did it have to be Ben?
If only she hadn’t gone to her stupid staff Christmas party, none of this would have happened.
“I had a meeting with investors,” Garrett said. “Poppy took time out of her day to help out. She was happy to do it, but this is hardly her fault.”
“Could she at least try to spend time with him? Every time I’m there, she’s on her phone. She’s worse than a teenage babysitter.”
“That’s not fair,” Garrett replied crisply. “Poppy is very dedicated to her work.”
Elise held back her snort. Poppy was an assistant manager in her father’s grocery delivery business and spent more time shopping than working, as far as Elise could tell. “Are you coming down or not?” she asked.
“Of course, I’m on my way now.”
Elise reached the end of the hallway to the automatic doors, which popped open at her presence. A cool breeze of snowy air gusted into her face and legs. She was still wearing her teaching outfit, pumps and all, and her feet ached. She kicked off her shoes, then scooped a finger into each heel. Ruining her stockings was the least of her worries.
Elise ended the call. She was about to turn back for another trip down the hallway when the sight of her sister hurrying toward the hospital stopped her.
Elise waited by the door until Caitlin came within range.
“How’s Jaden?” Caitlin huffed once she was inside. Though Caitlin ran five miles almost daily, even in the winter, her chest heaved with fast breaths.
Elise accepted her sister’s strong embrace. “Fine so far. At least that’s what I’m hoping.”
Caitlin stepped back, giving Elise a hard look. “Good.” Her eyes flicked each way, as if afraid of being overheard, but the hallway was empty. “Is there somewhere we can go to talk?”
“Caitlin, what’s up?” Elise said, alarm bells ringing in her head.
Caitlin’s lips tightened. “How about the cafeteria?” she said, as if she hadn’t heard Elise’s question.
“Sure,” Elise said slowly. “Let me just let them know where I’ll be,” she said, then hurried into the surgery reception area to alert the older gentleman behind the desk.
“Still no word from the doctor?” Elise asked, after checking the form had her correct cell number.
The man shook his head.
Elise hurried back into the hallway, following Caitlin to the elevator. Once inside the doors, Elise turned to her sister. “What is it?” she asked. “It must be important for you to rush over here so late. I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow morning.”
A stern expression crossed Caitlin’s face. “It’s that doctor,” she said.
Elise frowned. “What about him?”
The doors opened. “Come on, and I’ll tell you what I found.”
They found a table in a far corner. “You want anything?” Caitlin asked.
Elise shook her head.
Caitlin slid into the seat across from her. “So, I did a little digging on our guy,” she said.
Elise crossed her arms. “That’s hardly necessary. I’m not going to press charges or whatever it is you do in a situation like this.”
“That woman you saw him with?” Caitlin asked, her eyebrows rising. “I got a name. Ashley Cullen. They were engaged.”
“Wait, what?”