“Maybe,” Ben said, agonizing over the idea. “But I don’t want to wait that long,” he said. “I asked her to meet me tonight.”
“Fuck, dude, watch yourself.”
At the barre, Elise tried to focus on her footwork, but found her mind bouncing off to her date with Ben afterward. She hadn’t seen him enter the gym, but knew he must be here, playing basketball upstairs. Tightening her core, she worked through the series, following the teacher’s lead. Ben had been so good with Jaden. As if he understood him. Was this just because of his training, or was he gifted with reading children?
Rising on the balls of her feet, her calves burning, she thought of Ben upstairs playing basketball. She imagined him in this class instead, in tights and a tank top, and suppressed a giggle.
Class ended, and a flutter of nerves tingled through her insides. She grabbed her water bottle and sweater and slipped out of her ballet slippers, then stepped into the hallway. With just enough time for a shower, she hurried into the locker room, keeping her hair pinned back to save time. She arrived one minute early to meet Ben.
Ben stood with his gym bag at his side, his eyes sweeping the hallway as she approached. Her heart bounced at the sight of him waiting for her. In the split second she had to observe him unnoticed, she took in his toned backside in Levi’s and the way his broad shoulders filled out his sweatshirt. He turned, and his grin lit up his face.
“Hey,” he said.
She didn’t know if she should hug him, out here in the open like this, or pretend she didn’t want him to kiss her again. It felt so much different in the daytime, in a public place, and the push-pull of anticipation and fear tangled and swirled inside her head.
“Hi,” she replied. They both stepped to the cashier, plucking their choices from the display, Elise a bottle of sparkling water and Ben some kind of green smoothie.
“Good workout?” Ben asked after they settled into chairs. She sensed he was unsure how to act, too.
“Brutal,” she replied, “but that’s why I go.” She opened her water and took a sip. “How about you?”
“Same,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Kelly drilled me tonight.”
Elise nodded.
“Jaden doing better?” he asked, cracking the lid of his drink.
“Still rocky, but a little better I think,” she said, hoping Jaden hadn’t given Marlene, her favorite sitter, any trouble tonight.
“Have you ever considered having him tested?” Ben asked.
“Why, so they can medicate him?” she replied, a little too hotly.
“God no,” Ben said.
“Sorry, it’s sort of an issue his dad and I argue about.”
“Jaden’s obviously very bright.”
Elise shrugged. His first-grade teacher had recommended him for the highly capable program, but it had come about during the toughest time of her divorce and Elise wasn’t capable of handling any more change. But maybe she would reconsider it now. “He’s sensitive. Always has been. It’s like his brain can only take so much, and then he comes apart.”
“Bright kids often have sensory deficits.” He shrugged. “Might be interesting for you and him to know more.”
“Maybe,” Elise replied.
“He’s a really great kid,” Ben said, giving her a soft look.
“Thank you,” she said. Wow, did that feel good. Few people saw Jaden’s good side.
“When can I see you again?” he asked, settling his deep brown eyes on her.
Elise sucked in her lip. “What about…you know?”
He raised his eyebrows. “I have a plan to fix that. Let me tell you about it over dinner.”
Elise felt her eyes widen. “When?” she asked.