Page 1 of Hush

Chapter 1

Elise stepped over the threshold of the single-story bungalow the real estate agent had deemed “sunny” in her gushing description. Today, the agent was dressed in a red tunic, black leggings, and carried a black leather tote bag. The agent paraded into the hallway, her polished black boots clicking on the linoleum that even Elise could tell was slightly warped, as if some giant flood had submerged the house years ago, soaking through the walls and floors.

Elise stood as the emptiness enveloped her. She tried to imagine this sagging shell transformed into a place of comfort, of warmth, a place where she could grade papers at the kitchen table late at night while her music played low, a place Jaden would race from the school bus, eager to get inside to play. The real estate agent clicked to the kitchen, showcasing the once-white refrigerator, faded cabinets, and single sink, her arms waving like some kind of game show assistant, her bright smile searing in the dim space.

All Elise saw was what it lacked: kitchen island, vegetable sink, pantry for her mixer and baking supplies. Her mind went to Christmas and the cookies she and Jaden always made together to have on hand for friends and for the party they always hosted for Garrett’s large family. A whimper escaped her lips as she saw herself in this sad place.Christmas alone, she thought, grabbing the sharp edge of the counter for support.

The backyard, a tiny square of brown grass lined with rosebushes hacked to spindly sticks by the previous owner, offered no shade trees, no swing set, only a fence built with faded boards and rotting posts, a point her real estate agent had already claimed she would “handle.” Beyond the fence, Elise saw the backyards of the other houses. They extended to the cindery hills covered in a thin layer of late autumn snow beneath a pale blue sky and lazy white clouds, the same view she would have seen from the vineyard, from what was now Garrett’s house. Garrett and Poppy’s.

Closing her eyes, she imagined him in the tasting room, the air heady with the scent of soggy autumn leaves and fermenting fruit, sharing the stories of each of his prized blends to a captive audience that would go on to join the wine club, buy water bottles and hats, take the tour through the chilly cellar, and dip their wineglasses straight into the vat of two-day-old grapes swirling in the stainless steel tubs. Elise could feel the thick air on her skin, hear the rise and fall of conversation, and taste the crisp, floral bite of the wine on her lips.

One year later

Chapter 2


Even if she were in the middle of teaching, the faculty knew to interrupt her in an emergency, especially one involving Jaden, so when the department secretary stepped into her French 101 lecture, Elise’s stomach plummeted to her knees.

Elise paused the lecture, keeping her face a mask of calm while, inside, her emotions spun out of control. The secretary descended the carpeted ramp, and while Elise stared, all eyes in her classroom turned to watch. Swallowing, Elise stepped from her podium to meet the woman.

The secretary’s tight cheeks lifted into a half-smile, half-grimace. “It’s Jaden,” she said in a softened voice. “He’s all right,” she hurried to add, placing a hand on Elise’s arm. “They think he may have broken his arm.” The secretary held out a white slip of paper on which a phone number was neatly written in blue ink.

“All right,” Elise managed, taking the paper from the woman, who eyed the sea of faces silently watching them.

“Do you need any help?” the secretary asked.

“No,” Elise replied, inhaling a calming breath. “Thank you.”

Racing to her car after cancelling the rest of her lecture and her afternoon quiz section, Elise drove the five minutes to Jaden’s school. Once inside the imposing stone building, she immediately turned into the office, her pumps silenced by the flat blue carpet and her coat flying open as she turned, wondering which way to the nurse’s office.

“Mrs. Mallory,” a woman from a small window across from the entrance desk called, stepping forward. “He’s this way,” she said, tugging down her bifocals and leading Elise around a corner. The woman knocked on the closed door, and then finally,finally, Elise was walking through and scooping up her little boy.

Even though he was seven years old, he still cuddled with her, still held her hand. Some of her friends complained their sons were already pulling away.

“Mama,” he said, curling into her chest. Jaden had always been small, but he felt even smaller in her arms right now than he ever had.

“He fell on the playground. I think from the climbing web,” the nurse said from somewhere. Elise looked up to see a short woman with a kind face watching them, her arms crossed as she leaned back against the counter. “I’ve already called the hospital to let them know you’re coming.”

“Okay,” Elise replied, forcing her mind to catch up. She rubbed Jaden’s back. “Are you ready?” she asked, though the words were more for her.

Jaden fiddled with the hem of her skirt with the arm not in an air cast. “Am I going to have to get shots?” he asked, gazing up at her. She noticed the left lens of his glasses was cracked. Her heart tightened at the thought of him hurting and her not here to care for him.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” she said. “But I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

* * *

Elise sat in the waiting room with Jaden in her lap, readingGooseberry Parkaloud using the library lending app on her phone. Despite the air cast on his arm, Jaden yelped whenever he had to move it. Finally, a woman in pastel-pink scrubs called his name.

Elise gently shifted Jaden to the ground, then gathered up her purse and coat and led him through the swinging doors. She followed the nurse past several rooms and a desk buzzing with people in scrubs. A fake garland and cartoon Santa decoration stood out compared to the white walls and smell of disinfectant, but the staff members behind the desk laughed and interacted as if it were a party. A doctor in a white coat over her scrubs scratched her pregnant belly while listening to another doctor, her eyes warm and attentive; another pair stood hunched over a computer screen, pointing and debating.

The nurse in pink scrubs led them to a room before shutting the door behind them. After an efficient gathering of Jaden’s vital signs, the nurse entered the data and stood to go.

“Dr. Parker will be here shortly,” she said before slipping through the door.

Elise pulled out her phone to start reading again when it chirped. Her chest tightened when she saw a text from Jared’s father flash on her screen.

Does Jaden have a broken arm?Garrett texted.