I can’t shake the haunting feeling of every time I’ve fucked her. Every single time I’ve been inside her. Even though she’s flesh and bone before me, like she’s infused me with fever, she’s wriggled beneath my skin and infected me.
It’s unfathomable to me that she’s still here of her own volition. I’m surprised to see her each night I come home from work.
Like she’s a gift that keeps on giving.
“The bodies go,” I growl, not giving her any room for rebuttal or explanation.
She nods. “It’s your call.”
She has this way of being just what I need when I need it, which keeps me guessing with her. We have a lot of life ahead of us, her and me; I’m ready to dive off the deep end with her. To walk unthinkingly into the future and see what it brings.
I’m a fucked up man, and finding her wasn’t easy, but I’m so fucking ready.
“It’s Good of you to allow me to make some decisions still,” I tell her. “You know I hate it when you bait me, darling.”
She smirks, turning around and pressing her ass against my cock. “Go ahead, then. Punish me, master.”
I fist her hair, tugging her head backward. “What monster have I created in you?”
“Not a monster, master. A perfect puppet, remember?”
I growl, skimming my nose up her neck and getting high off her scent. “Oh, darling, how could I fucking forget.”
I turn her, dropping her hair when she’s facing me again.
“Get on your knees, puppet.”
Her eyes look devious as fuck as she slowly descends to her knees. “Of course, master.”
For quite some time, I’ve wondered if my entireexistence, the reason I was killing and maiming, was to find this woman. It’s this very moment that solidifies that theory.
Iknowit was all for her.
Even if it’s fucked up to the onlooker, every bit of it was worth it.
She closes her lips on my cock, and my hands press into the wall as I box her in beneath me, shoving forward and gagging her.
“That’s a good little puppet. Gag on your master,” I taunt, driving down her throat over and over until tears are staining her rouge-filled cheeks.
I fuck her mouth, forgetting everything around us, focused solely on her and the feel of her around my dick.
“Swallow your master’s cum, my perfect puppet. Fuck, that’s a good girl. Right there, here it comes, goddamn…” I jut forward, emptying down her throat as she fights to swallow and breathe.
When I pull out, I grasp my still-hard cock in my hand, slapping it across her face.
“You’re going to need a lot of training, darling.”
I slap her again, and her answering grin is as wicked as she is. “It’s a Good thing we have plenty of time for that, psychopath.”
the very next Christmas
“You need to hold still,” Cain warns, holding a Christmas ornament in his hand, the curved edges of it glimmering in the lights he’s strung around my body.
I roll my eyes. “You’re taking too long.”