“Lara, thank you for speaking with me,” said Georgie, staring at the screen. “I was speaking to Trevon…”
“How is he?” she interrupted.
“He’s doing well. You should call him,” she smiled, looking up at the woman, but noticed that she wasn’t smiling back.
“No. I don’t want him to misinterpret anything.”
“He cares for you, Lara.”
“I-I know, and I care for him. Truly, I do. He’s helped me through a lot these last few years, and he’s always been there for me and for Carigan. But I don’t love him. Not the way he deserves to be loved.”
“Maybe you should tell him that. He’s embarking on a new life now and deserves to seek out someone who truly cares for him.” Lara’s face had a hint of disappointment on it, then she nodded, understanding that she was holding onto Trevon, just in case.
“What did you need from me?” she asked quietly.
“Do you have a copy of the most recent contract of Butch’s?”
“Definitely. He asked me to keep a signed copy in our safe. I couldn’t believe he signed that garbage. Their lawyers put in all these clauses about injuries, and if he were injured again, they wouldn’t cover it. Like he was responsible for injuries! They didn’t protect him, and they never did the right thing with his concussions.”
“That’s what we’ve been hearing,” said Georgie. “I’m not sure these contracts are even legal, but they’re all different. I have Trevon’s and another man’s, Bill Schuster.”
“Bill is a good man. I knew his wife. She died a few years back from an aneurysm. She was only thirty-four years old. Bill was devastated but agreed to return to play.”
“There’s a reason for that. If he didn’t return to play, they could release him, and he wouldn’t get the remainder of his contract.”
“That’s absurd! His wife had just died, and he has two little boys.”
“I know, sweetie, that’s why we’re looking into this. If you could scan Butch’s contract and send it to me, I’d appreciate it.”
“Of course. Georgie? Tell Trevon I wish him the best.”
“So, you’re not going to call him?” said Georgie with a slight edge. The woman said nothing, and she just shook her head. “Listen, I understand how difficult all of this must be for you, but that man deserves to know why you’re ghosting him. He’s been nothing but kind to you and your daughter, and he’s been a great friend to Butch.”
“He should have protected Butch more,” said Lara.
“He was his center. He should have protected him more. It was his job to make sure that Butch was safe. We, Butch and I, we’d been talking a lot these last few months. He was hoping to be able to retire the way he wanted, and we would start being a family.”
“Are you kidding me right now? You had a relationship with Trevon. You made him believe you cared for him!”
“I do care for him!” she yelled. She turned as if to be sure no one was there, then turned back. “I do care for him. But I loved Butch. I always loved Butch, and he loved me.”
Georgie had no words. She just stared at the woman, shaking her head. What a mess, what a fucking mess.
“Please send the contract. I’ll let you know if I find anything.” Georgie hung up the phone and turned to see her husband standing in the doorway.
“Need a hug?” he asked.
He held his wife, rocking her gently in his arms, placing soft kisses across her forehead. She didn’t get overly emotional when it came to work. This must be something more.
“Babe? What’s wrong?”
“I made a lot of mistakes with you and me, Carl.”
“Hey, we’ve been through all that a million years ago. It was my fault too. We’ve had a beautiful life together.”