Page 48 of 40-Yard Line

“Trevon, we want you to stay here, on the property, with all of us. Sor’s cabin is great for a guest, but you’re not a guest, son. You’re one of us. This cottage is for you. Here on the property so you can be available to help with whatever is needed.”

“For me?” he asked in shock.

“Yes, for you,” laughed Ian. “If you want. If you don’t want to be on the property with all of us, then let us know. We’ll keep you out at Sor’s place if you’re good with that.”

“No. I mean, yes. I mean, no! I want to be here on the property. I can’t believe this. You’re letting me rent the cottage?”

“Not rent, Trevon. It’s part of your pay, just like any other man or woman here. You’re one of the family now, son,” smirked Ghost. The door opened, and Erin, Claudette, and Alexandra walked out onto the porch.

“Oh, there you are! We’ve got everything set up for you. The beds are made, linens in the closet, refrigerator is stocked, and all your things have been moved from the cabin.”

“Wait, what?”

“Babe,” frowned Nine.

“Don’t babe me,” she said with her hand on her hip. “You’re moving here, Trevon. You’re one of us, and you need to be with us. Besides, Zeke said he’s never slept so well knowing that you were with Noelle and helping her. You have to stay.”

Trevon slowly walked up the steps, ducking inside the doorway, afraid he might hit his head. He looked around at the rich furnishings, the decorated tree, and the smell of apples and cinnamon. Erin, Claudette, and Alexandra smiled, nodding at the men.

“That’s how it’s done.” They walked off, leaving the men with Trevon.

“What do you think?” asked Gaspar.

“I think it’s the most beautiful home I’ve ever had, and it’s the only place that’s ever felt like home. Thank you. Thank all of you.”

“You’re welcome,” they said in unison. “Come on. Let’s grab some lunch before Team Big eats it all. One game, and they think they can hog all the food.”

“Well, I gotta say even I was impressed at their play,” smiled Trevon. “I’ve never seen men their age move like that before. And that alligator? Is he trained?”

“I wouldn’t say trained,” frowned Gaspar. “He’s just adept at listening to Trak for some reason.”

“Because I respect him.”

“Shit!” yelled Trevon, turning to see Trak standing in his hallway.

“What? I was here the whole time,” smirked Trak.

“Dude, is that alligator in this house?” asked Ghost. Trak frowned at him, moving down the hallway to stand beside them.

“No. He’s with his wife and children.”

“His wife and children?” frowned Trevon.

“Trevon, don’t even bother to understand. Come on, son. Let’s get some food, and we’ll tell you a few more secrets of Belle Fleur.”

Christmas was fast approaching, which only made mealtimes even more frenzied, frantic, and fabulous. Even something as simple as lunch seemed to have a flair and finesse that Trevon had never seen before.

“You know, y’all got a lot of beautiful women here, but that young woman over there is something else,” smiled Trevon. They all turned to look, nodding at him.

“That’s Macie. She’s Sam and Mia’s daughter, but I think she’s smitten with Garr. He’s been a bit worried because of the age difference, but Mia’s always been an old soul,” said Ian.

“And just how the hell do you know all that?” growled Gaspar.

“I pay attention,” smirked Ian.

“Hey, Trevon! The guys and I were talking about something special for the holidays. Why don’t you come and join us,” said Dan.

“Go ahead,” nodded Nine. They watched him swap tables, and all grinned at one another. “He’ll do well with the boys and might one day actually decide to take part in the team.”