Page 21 of Alien Haven

“Event planner?” Charity smirked at Mitag. “Here? Do you run rodeos, square dances, or potlucks?”

He made a face at her. “We have clanning ceremonies and wedding receptions and all sorts of parties. Since I’m the best in the area when it comes to putting on a grand function—”

“He’s one of three in the district. The other two are so bad, he might as well be the only event planner,” Detodev observedin his dry tone. “In Sunrise, if you bring a bottle of wine and the dishes are clean, you’re an event planner.”

Mitag’s expression was so hurt, Charity forgot herself and gave the Nobek a shove. When he failed to budge an inch, she shoved him again. “You’re mean.”

“What? I didn’t say he isn’t talented at what he does. I’m only saying he has no competition.”

“I’m very talented at what I do,” Mitag informed him loftily. He turned pointedly from Detodev and spoke only to Charity and Ilid. “I’m booked solid for the next nine months, and my services aren’t cheap. My clients do get their money’s worth, however.”

“The Earther governor’s birthday party was a hit,” Detodev muttered. He acted as if as if he tried to restore himself to Mitag’s good graces but was embarrassed to do so.

“Damn right it was. Haven’s news bureau…the planet’s, not the local Sunrise hacks…called it the social gathering of the year.” Mitag kept his back to the Nobek, apparently unwilling to forgive so soon.

“I wonder how I can score an invite to one of your galas,” Charity mused.

“I could always use an extremely beautiful server.” He leaned closer while wearing a charming grin, blatantly flirting.

“Excuse me, Imdiko. She and I came here as dates. She’s leaving with me.” Ilid appeared more amused than offended.

“Maybe I can join you when you go?” Mitag looked Charity over with the air of lechery, but his tone teased.

“Mitag has no shame. I like him,” she told Ilid.

“You don’t mind multiple men?” Detodev stepped forward to be included.

Charity imagined his regard was less aloof.I should keep shoving him. Or perhaps a punch would make him happy. He is a Nobek. Rough is their drug of choice.

She met his eyes. “Honey, there are far worse sins I could and have committed. If it’s what gets my engine purring, I don’t need someone’s blessing. Don’t tell me you’re interested too?”

This time, his smile went beyond the hint of a presence. His lips actually curled upward. “Only in those who don’t run off when I’m giving every signal they should.”

“You must absolutely adore me then,” Mitag guffawed.

“Just keep the drinks coming, Imdiko, and I’ll let you hang around for a few minutes more.”

“You’re such a bastard.” Mitag grinned.

Charity and Ilid chuckled at the pair. The young woman guessed Detodev liked Mitag despite himself. She wondered why the Nobek was so determined to keep his distance. Trust issues?

Join the club, big boy.She suppressed a sigh and concentrated on having fun in the company of the three handsome men.

Despite her flirting, Charity had no intention of getting too crazy with all three. At least, not so soon. She’d enjoyed her share of intimate partners. There’d even been a couple of one-night stands in her earliest days in college. She was aware Kalquorians held sex in casual regard. It was normal for them to indulge in sleeping together on a first…or only date. As natural as meeting up for drinks.

She’d treated herself to bouts of heavy petting when she and Ilid had managed to get alone on the shuttle ride to Haven. He’d made her feel good…incredible, in fact. She held no doubt she found him sexually attractive. Mitag was also a delicious temptation. Detodev too, once he’d had several drinks and allowed his reserve to ease a touch.

However, it wasn’t her typical modus operandi to jump in bed with two virtual strangers and a third she’d met days ago all at once. Maybe it was having been brought up in a dangerous environment where extramarital sex, if discovered, led to adeath sentence via torture. Maybe it was her better sense coming forth for a change…not that she discerned any trouble where her companions were concerned. They teased and flirted as the night went on, but they didn’t cross the line into disrespect once.

Her veer into caution came from the feeling she should uncover the mysteries lurking beneath the inviting surfaces. Ilid’s anxiety was improved on the deck outdoors, but he continued to be excessively watchful of the quiet pastoral environment. She was certain Detodev’s distance, despite his thawing, was a defensive tactic. Mitag was his opposite, at times appearing desperate to get close to them and her.

Then there’s me. Hunted by fanatics, playing someone I’m not…they don’t know what I really look like, much less who I am.

The situation felt weird in spite of her being attracted to the trio. Too weird. As the hour grew late, Charity made it clear she’d be returning to Clan Amgar’s farm for sleep rather than accompanying anyone elsewhere.

“Really?” Mitag gave her a forlorn expression, but he made no protest. “Then allow me to see you safely to your door.”

“Is he deaf or dense?” Ilid asked Detodev. The Dramok had reminded Mitag several times that “Jennifer” was officially his date.