“Good girl.” The elevator pinged again and, taking my hand in his, he led us down a dark corridor and stopped at Room One Hundred and Nineteen.

“Are you ready, Elena?” he asked against the shell of my ear while he stood behind me as the two of us stared at the door.

“Yes,” I breathed, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. I was very, very ready.

They like to watch.I swallowed trying to think about what the night could have in store. But my mind had suddenly gone blank. Not that I had all that much time to think when he opened the door. His hand covered my waist with an open palm stretched wide to where the edge of his fingers touched the underside of my breast.

“Welcome to Club Sin, baby,” he whispered. His breath on my ear was a gentle tease before we stepped inside.

Josh shut the door to the dimly lit room. I looked around. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected. Maybe something that looked like a hotel room? Or worst case a motel room. But this was not that. Not even close.

“This is beautiful,” I noted quietly, taking in all the details. The room was done in rich purples and lavender that stood out against the royal color. “It’s my favorite color,” I observed.Somehow, I knew they’d chosen that room just for me. Miles, Josh, and Rick hardly ever missed something and, by the looks of it, were very into details.

My eyes caught sight of three chairs. The other two men were already sitting down. Both watching us. And damn, they were all dressed up, too. Rick was in all black, the color making his naturally tanned skin stand out. Josh was in a gray suit with a black tie and white dress shirt.

Almost at the same time, as if they accidentally had matched their movements, they stood up, cursing under their breath. Their appreciative gaze moved up and down my body, making me feel like they were eating me up with their eyes.

“You look incredible,” Miles complimented. His words shot through me like a shot of good tequila. Before I knew it, he reached for me. My hand rested on his chest as I stared up at his bright blue eyes and took a deep breath. God, he smelled good. He took my hand and stepped back, silently asking me to spin for him. Which I did. He whistled, and when I caught his blue eyes, I didn’t miss his dilated pupils, his eyes hooded with unmasked desire.

“You guys all look nice, too,” I whispered.

“Bring her to me,” Rick ordered roughly, drawing our attention toward him.


So bossy and broody.

Even now. We were all in the same room, alone together, and he stood apart. His hands fisted at his side, his smoldering dark stare intense. Waiting for someone to do his bidding. Before I sassed off and told him I could walk toward him myself or even think about taking a step toward him, Josh lifted me up. Josh’s steps were even, and he acted like I weighed nothing more than a sack of flour, my arms wrapped around his neck.

Holy shit! Was this it? Would he put me in front of Rick and get this all started? What would we do first?

“Did you like the dress?” Rick asked, his tone still rough and bossy and so incredibly sexy I wasn’t sure I could trust myself, so I simply nodded. “And the shoes? They were okay?” The concern in his voice was clear. They had worked hard to give me this, and my heart softened again.

“Perfect. Everything fit perfectly,” I shared softly.

I wasn’t soft. I wasn’t sweet. I was too busy and overwhelmed to be that way. But something about my doctors drew it out of me.

“Good,” Rick grunted. But he didn’t take me from Josh’s arms.

I watched, perched in Josh’s hold as Rick sat down on the gorgeous chair. I looked around, wondering what the hell was going on. I was almost sure this was when the ravaging would start.

But it didn’t.

No. My guys had planned out every detail, and I had to be patient to see what they had up their sleeves. I didn’t have to wait long. Rick patted his lap, a movement so quick I would have missed it if I hadn’t been staring at him like I was afraid he would disappear. That I’d wake up and this whole night would end up being some kind of dirty dream.

As carefully as he could, Josh set me down on Rick’s lap, and my arms moved from his neck to the back of Rick’s. Our eyes connected, dark to dark, and another wave of heat washed over me. Everything inside of me ignited with the way he looked at me.

“I can’t believe Josh let you walk through the club dressed like this.” Rick’s strong long arms wrapped around my waist and his hand rested at my bare thigh. “I knew this would fit like itwas made for you,” he murmured. I felt like one end of a magnet that couldn’t resist the pull and leaned in closer.

“Rick.” My voice cracked.

“Did Josh talk to you about tonight?” My nipples tightened, close to the point of almost being painful.

“Yes.” I nodded, licking my lips. I repeated the stages of the safe words I’d been given. “Green, yellow, and red.”

“Fuck.” Rick shut his eyes. For a moment, I lost his fathomless gaze before he opened them again and they connected with mine.

“Did he tell you about the scene we want to have tonight?” I squirmed on his lap.