Not to mention the tiny, delicate lavender-colored scraps of lace and satin that lay beneath the black deep V-necked dress with thigh high slits at each leg. I crossed my legs and smiled at the seriously sexy rhinestone open-toed strappy sandals on my feet.

I had forgone my glasses, keeping them in their case and inside my purse just in case my contacts dried out later or I needed to take them out at the end of the night.Does one stay overnight at a sex club?I wasn’t sure of the logistics but had made sure I was ready for anything.

It was also why I was stone-cold sober. Not that I drank often to begin with.

The limo started to slow, its turn signal warning me we were arriving at my destination. We started to turn into a parking lot. Instead of looking out to see where we were and where this illusive members-only club was, my eyes fluttered shut and I took a moment to breathe.

I just need to breathe, I reminded myself. I knew the men I was going to meet there. I might not know everything about them, but I knew them. And I knew that no matter what, if I needed to, they would let me go home if I wanted to.

The partition dropped, and the older gentleman who had introduced himself as Ace turned and smiled politely.

“Miss Elena, we are here.”

“Thank you.”

“If you wait when I pull up to the front, I will get the door for you.”

“Thank you, Ace.” I swallowed and exhaled.

“I’m also going to give you my card. If anything comes up, you call me, and I will be here in less than five minutes,” he promised. “The night’s been paid for, so you don’t worry, okay?”

“Thank you, Ace.” I smiled, and my shoulders relaxed a little more. Knowing my docs had covered all their bases for my peace of mind made my heart fill in an unexpected way. They really were incredible men.

And they wanted me.

The limo went up what felt like a windy driveway. Before I knew it, Ace was at the door. But before he had a chance to extend a hand, Josh was there, and the night was about to start.

I’d seen Dr. Joshua Silver dressed in scrubs and casual wear. One time, for an important meeting for the hospital, I’d even seen him wearing a dress shirt with slacks. But never had I seen him in a suit and tie.

The dark navy jacket fit his body perfectly, like it had been cut to fit his muscular build and wide shoulders along with the crisp black dress shirt he wore under it. His icy blue tie matched his eyes. The contrast of the light with the dark along with his sharp bone structure and build made him even more breathtaking.

“I got her, Ace. Thanks, man.” He smiled at the driver and extended his hand for me to take. With one last shaky exhale, I took it and smiled at the cool touch of his palm against mine.

And like some kind of magic spell had been cast on us, all the nerves and worry I felt started to fade. Just from holding his hand. I slipped out of the car and stood straight, adjusting my purse over my shoulder. My head rose, and I had just been about to thank him for helping me out, but the words died on my tongue with how he stared at me.

Josh’s light eyes didn’t hold back, but in that moment, I couldn’t seem to read him clearly. In the back of my mind, I was still somewhat aware of Ace slipping me his card and waving goodbye as he rounded the limo and drove away.

But the one and only man who had my attention in that moment was Josh.

“Fuck,” he cursed, and suddenly, all the doubt and fear started to make its return, making me feel more than a little self-conscious.

Maybe I don’t look as good as I thought?

Maybe I should have done more with my hair or gone heavier with the makeup?

Did I somehow miss a spot when I shaved my legs, and he noticed it?

“I don’t know what we were thinking bringing you here,” he murmured like he was scolding himself, but it didn’t stop my stomach as it sank to the ground. The shards fell right onto the concrete floor between the rhinestone heels on my feet.

I didn’t know who he thought he was, but I wasn’t about that life anymore.

I’d put up with more than my fair share of shit from my ex-husband. I think a lot of women do when they are young and in love. But I wasn’t young and naïve anymore. I most certainly wasn’t anyone’s doormat. If he didn’t want me here, for whatever reason, if seeing me dressed the way they had wanted me to dress wasn’t up to his standards, he could go to hell. My feet stopped, and he turned back to look at me. His brows bunched, and I stood straighter.

“If you want, I can go.” I had no idea how I managed to keep my voice steady, not giving away a hint of just how hurt his words had left me.

“Go?” He stopped mid-step and stared at me. It was almost like my words had snapped him out of his own thoughts and he was finally right there with me. “Why would you want to go?” I pulled to get my hand out of his, but I should have known better. Neither of the three men liked to let go when I wanted them to.
