After waking up tangled in a mess of limbs in a bed that had definitively been made for multiple bodies in mind, I would have thought I would have been ready to get out of there. That they would have been too. They’d had their fun and maybe fucked me out of their system.

But they hadn’t.

Instead, I’d found myself dead-center of their attention.

With Rick and Josh flanking each side at a huge couch in Room One Nineteen, and Miles in front of me sitting on an ottoman eating breakfast. Each of us wrapped up in lush velvety robes. Robes I knew none of us wore anything underneath. It made me wonder if we would mess around more or if this was the beginning of an end.

“What’s that look about?” Miles asked and I shook my head.

It’s nothing.” I smiled, hating the fact I couldn’t seem to sweep away the idea. It made me sad. I didn’t want this to be over. Not yet. All good things come to an end, a cynical jaded voice perked up but I batted it away.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Rick’s deep voice vibrated at my side. I broke out into goosebumps. I had no idea what they haddone to my body that after coming so many times, I felt like I could go a couple more rounds with them. Even when my head was filled with so much junk.

“I don’t know,” I sighed.

It was like I was under their spell. Outside of the three men that surrounded me, I was really good at hiding how I felt. I wasn’t the kind of woman who wore her emotions on her sleeve. I didn’t have the time for that. But locked away in a gorgeous room with sexy as hell men, seemed to be my kryptonite. “I’'m not really sure.” I answered softly and honestly. I couldn’t seem to keep the walls around me up any more. If anything, I had a feeling they didn’t exist anymore.

“Hmm…” Rick sounded, and I felt Josh lean in and kiss my temple.

“Why don’t we tell you what we’re thinking then?”

“Okay.” I sounded slowly, wondering if id just stepped into some weird Twilight Zone.

Men that wanted to talk about their thoughts?What would be next their feelings?

“We like you, Elena.” Miles said and my eyes widened. Feelings. Shit. We were actually going to have this conversation.

“We like you a lot.” Josh added. I felt like I was holding my breath, waiting for the big fat but. Yet it never came.

“You’re the most amazing woman we had ever met, El.” Rick said. And we mean that in and out of work.”

“You’re kind and funny.”

“I am?” I found myself asking, making each one nod.

“You’re beautiful and so damn honest. We know your life isn’t easy. Not with all the responsibility you shoulder.” Josh added. They went on to list what they liked about me. How long they’d felt that way. I was shocked. I had no idea how I didn’t break down and cry. Every sweet word mended something inside of me that they had no hand in breaking.

“We know that our situation is a little complicated.” Rick cut in and I looked up at him.

Rick Montoya wasn’t usually so open about how he felt with other people and for some reason right there in the middle of a living space, he was.

“We want to see you. Date you. Fuck, we don’t want to scare you with how much we want that, but I can’t sit here and lie to you.”

“Rick, she’s going to freak out, man.” Josh cut in tersely and I looked at each man. Each one had his own set of strengths and weaknesses just like I did. It was in that moment, surrounded by the three men who owned my heart, who had reminded me that I was more than a mom, a nurse and sister but a woman with needs, it hit me.

They hadalwaysshown me how they felt.

From the very beginning when we first met. They were always around. Watching out for me. Making sure I was okay, Helping out in ways they knew I’d be okay with them pitching in. Not overstepping. With every action they had proved just how much they cared. Dare I say, maybe, how much they loved me. Because I loved them. I knew it.

Theyreallywanted this.



They wanted to date.Date me!

I was a thirty-two-year-old single mom about to date! Not just one man but three! In that moment, staring at them, three sets of hands stroking my body and hair, my willpower slipped between my fingers like sand. The walls around my heart were long gone, crushed by their tenacity and affection.