“Fucking hell, beautiful, that was—"Life altering.“—amazing.”
“You were amazing,” she whispered before we kissed again, and she fell back into my arms. I held her close, and it wasn’t until a couple of beats later that I realized she had fallen asleep.
With me inside her.
And fuck me if that wasn’t fucking beautiful.
My body felt like it was made of Jell-O.
No. That wasn’t right.
I felt like the slime the kids liked to make on rainy days. Gooey and malleable yet somehow put together.
After coming and falling asleep with Miles still inside me, I woke up tucked in next to Rick. His dark gaze had mesmerized me in my sleep-induced haze, and when he leaned in and kissed me, I didn’t do a damn thing to stop it. I wouldn’t have even thought about it. Not with how his lips danced with mine.
“Fuck you taste sweet. How is it you taste sweeter with every kiss?” He murmured against my lips. He whispered sweet nothings like it was his job. They rolled off his tongue but not in an empty way. No. Somehow each one landed directly at the soul of me. This felt so much more than a moment. It felt like the beginning of something bigger than I could have imagined. Like a gentleman, he checked in on me, too, me making sure I was still okay and at green.
God, these men!They were so much more than what they seemed, and that was saying something. I knew firsthand howthey were in the ER and the OR. The were gods among men but somehow without the ego.
Pride? Yes. Ego? Not so much.
It would have made sense that’s how they would be behind closed doors. But it was more than that. They were more than that. Sweet and gentle. Tender.Loving.And that was a word I didn’t use easily or often.
After the multiple orgasms I’d had, I didn’t think I had anything else in me to give. I’d only read about highs so high you forgot the sound of your own name. But tonight? With Miles, Josh, and Rick? They’d more than proven it was possible to forget and then some.
After making out with Rick until the ache between my legs started to grow, he rolled me into Josh.
“You ready for me, beautiful?” Josh rasped and I nodded, letting myself get lost in his icy blue gaze and the moment. I loved kissing them one after the other. Each man was so similar yet so different.
After Josh, Miles moved in, and suddenly, I wasn’t so sleepy anymore. Suddenly, my body was more than awake and certainly craving something more.
Something illicit and taboo.
Something it had ached for since meeting them.
I found myself kneeled at the edge of the bed, still completely naked, my ass in the air, going down on Josh while using my hands to stroke the other two.
I loved how hard they got. How responsive and not afraid to ask for what they wanted. They showed me what each one liked while I took turns going down on them. They were loud and vocal and bossy. It was so hot I found myself worked up all over again, but this time somehow more than just an hour earlier.
Maybe it was because I knew what was coming or at least suspected it.
They had talked about taking all my holes at the same time, and I wanted that. I wanted them to take me, claim me, use me.Love me.I brushed the last thought away because it was too deep to think about right then. Too serious and scary for me to worry about.
Before I could get one of them off, and I knew they were close, they took me to the center of the huge bed in the middle of the room. Each one tasted me, making sure I was wet and ready, before Josh moved in next to me and made me straddle him reverse cowgirl.
“You’re going to ride me, gorgeous girl.” He directed and I nodded. Sinking down slowly, taking in his thick length, my eyes fluttered shut to soak in the sensation. I gasped and felt someone in front of me. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know Miles and Rick were right there. Standing ready for me to love them with my mouth.
And I did.
I rode Josh hard, taking turns having Miles and Rick in my mouth until I was breathless and little sore. The scene was crazy sexy. It turned me on like I wouldn’t believe.
“Fuck, look at you sucking our dicks, Elena.” Miles rasped, his gaze smoldering. I glanced down and wiped my lips. I’d actually drooled all over their lengths before Rick moved away, leaving only Miles to suck on.
I quickly figured out why Rick had left. I felt his body heat behind me. His skin hot to the touch. His lips on my neck. The scruff on his jaw sure to leave a mark. One I would cherish as a reminder of tonight.