“I guess I should say thanks, then,” she snapped, before she seemed to think the better of it.
I saw her twisting, testing the bonds.
Also saw the instant when she realized that getting away was futile.
“Now get some sleep,” I said.
I plunged the room into darkness and lay beside her, drifting to sleep, trying to ignore the voice that whispered how perfect it felt to have her in my bed.
“What do you want for lunch?”Nico asked the next day like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Like he hadn’t kidnapped me yesterday.
Tied me to his bed.
Like I hadn’t slept like a baby in spite of all that.
I felt my cheeks pulling down in a frown and quickly tried to fix my expression. But I was annoyed at him and mostly at myself.
“I’m not hungry,” I said.
“You said that at breakfast,” he responded.
“Because I wasn’t hungry,” I said.
I was sitting in what I had decided was my favorite spot, the corner of his bedroom that looked out toward the window.
After I’d woken up, and Nico had been gracious enough to untie me, I’d settled in my corner, trying to keep myself alert and figure out how I was going to get out of this. With the exception of an occasional bathroom break or sip of water out of the sink, I hadn’t left this spot all morning.
Nico had come and gone, for the most part leaving me alone.
I should have been grateful for that, but that time alone left me with space to think, and my mind had tread the same path over and over again.
I was so pissed at myself for last night!
And embarrassed.
Maybe even more embarrassed than mad.
I still hadn’t managed to look him in the eye, fear, disgust—and desire, leaving me completely off balance.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” he said. My head was down, my braids creating a curtain over my eyes, but I could feel him looking at him, the intensity of his gaze undeniable.
I didn’t respond, didn’t look at him, though I could guess at the look on his face. The same one he’d been wearing all morning.
Not exactly exasperated but clearly on the verge of annoyed.
Another idiotic mistake on my part.
Pissing him off would be a grave mistake, the kind of mistake I couldn’t afford, so I needed to get myself together.
“Here’s your burger,” he said.
I blinked and looked up at the sound of his voice. I hadn’t even realized he’d left, let alone been gone long enough to get food.