“Okay,” I responded, though I was curious.
Felt relieved when I saw Enzo and Sebastian.
Neither spoke to me, so I said nothing, just followed Nico inside of the bar.
We attracted quite a bit of attention, but I wasn’t sure why.
One thing was certain, I certainly didn’t help.
My modest jeans, even more modest button-down shirt definitely made me stand out. But if Nico was bothered, he didn’t give away.
Instead he strode into the building like he owned the place, certain of his destination.
He stopped in front of the table at the far back of the place.
Clearly a seat of importance.
Others were gathered around it, all focused on the man in the center.
He was maybe fifty, polished, a little garishly dressed, though not bad-looking. He let his gaze rake over me, but didn’t linger.
Instead he quickly looked at Nico.
“You changed your mind?”
The man waited for a moment, and when Nico didn’t respond, he continued.
“Well, if you think this bitch is going to make us even after that shit you pulled, you’re dead fucking wrong,” he said.
I had no doubt that I was the bitch in question.
I had no idea what was happening, and figured now was not the time to ask.
So I let the seconds tick by, refusing to allow myself to give in to the fear that was racing through me, though the arms on my hair were standing up.
“No. I just came to do what I should have done months ago,” Nico said.
“And what’s that?” the man asked.
Nico lifted one corner of his mouth and smiled, and then, before anyone could react, he reached across the table and pulled the man out of his seat.
I knew Nico was strong, but seeing him manhandle this guy only underscored that point.
He held the man with his left hand, glaring down at him.
“You didn’t seem to get the message about what happens when people fuck with the Moretti family. So I came to make it crystal clear.”
I stared, stunned Nico as pulled out a knife and dragged it across the man’s throat.
Then Nico dropped him, and I watched as the blood rushed out of the man’s neck.
Listening to the sickening gurgle before the man collapsed and went silent.
Nico looked around the club, practically daring someone to do something.
No one did.
So, his hands wet with blood, he grabbed my forearm and guided us out of the building.