“Where is she, Nico?” I asked through clenched teeth.
Too late, I realized I’d used his name, which meant he knew I knew his name.
My stomach clenched, a wave of nausea washing over me.
Knowing who he was had sealed my fate even more fully than what I had witnessed.
He knew it too, the little glimmer of a smile that lifted one corner of his shockingly full mouth telling me so.
“I think you have more pressing concerns,” he said.
“Like what?” I asked, surprised I’d managed to find a voice.
“Like what I’m going to do to you,” he responded without hesitation.
I didn’t want to ask that question, and I sure as hell didn’t want to consider the answer, but I had no choice.
“What are you going to do to me?” I finally gathered the courage to ask.
He said nothing, just stared at me, his eyes searing me, the silence between us tense and unnerving.
The silence and tension were so thick that I screamed when a sharpbeeppierced the air, followed by theclickof a lock disengaging.
And then he moved closer to me, then closer still, putting us chest to chest.
I flinched again when he reached beside me, and I realized he was pulling open the trunk.
Then he met my eyes. “I haven’t decided,” he finally said.
Before I could react, he scooped me up like I was weightless and lay me inside the trunk.
The scream that had been building in my throat died when he slammed the trunk closed.
“I suggest you stop that,” I yelled, looking at my rearview mirror with annoyance.
The thumps immediately stopped, so my unexpected hostage had clearly heard me.
I was pissed at this entire situation, and her irritating racket wasn’t fucking helping.
People trapped in trunks could be very noisy.
The family had cars specifically equipped to eliminate this problem, but my personal vehicle wasn’t one of them. And as I drove, I considered again how I found myself in this incredibly fucked situation.
The Genovese family and their antics was something I expected and something I could handle.
The woman who was currently getting acquainted with the interior of my trunk?