
“Where’s Sebastian?”Enzo asked.

“You know where he is,” I responded gruffly.

Enzo looked at me skeptically. “Don’t you think we need him for this?”

We’re sitting in the back of a panel van, and I glared at him, though I could merely make him out in the darkness.

“He’s exactly where I asked him to be. Do you have any more questions, or can we fucking do this?” I said.

My cousin, to his credit—and my annoyance—didn’t bat an eyelash.

“Nico, get your fucking head on straight. I don’t know what’s going on with you and Hope, but now is not the time. It would have been easy enough for you to just say that you left Sebastian with Hope because you didn’t want her to be unprotected. Instead you act like a lovesick fool and leave me to wonder if you’re ready for this. Because if you’re not, call it off. I would take a bullet for you, and for this family, but not because you’re not focused. So get you’re your poop in a group,” he said.

I laughed out loud. “‘Poop in a group’?”

If I didn’t know him better, I’d think Enzo was blushing.

But Enzo didn’t blush.

He shrugged. “I heard it somewhere and it fits the situation.”

I said nothing.

I couldn’t.

Because what if his accusation was true?

Hope was still at my house, but even though my body wasn’t there with her physically, that was exactly where my mind was.

Which was exactly the reason I needed to keep my distance and even more proof that I was playing a dangerous game with her.

A game that I was going to lose.

I looked at my cousin, then nodded, feeling calmer.

“You’re right. But I’m here. We need to do this, and now.”

Enzo studied me, and then nodded his head.

I pounded the roof of the van, and a split second later, the ignition engaged and we were off.

Not the way I would have done things were I control, but given the limited resources Don Carlo had allocated, I was confident in this direction.

Taking on the Genevoise head up with so few resources would have been a suicide mission.

But this….

The plan was simple, and all the more devious for it.

The Genevose capo I’d been following had paid off. We’d been tailing him all over the city and had finally found the house that was the heart of the Genevose operation. Hitting this location would leave them starving for liquid cash, and then the pieces would fall into place. Nothing sowed tension more than desperation, and once the cash was gone, I’d let the Genevose tear themselves apart.

And what comes after?

I tried to ignore the voice in my head, because I knew what came after.

Hope would go.