“It’s okay. What’s going on?” She cut to the quick, which was so like her, and I smiled despite the emotions roiling through me.
“I—” The phone clicked and I pulled the phone away from my face before I put it back to my ear. “Molly?”
“Sorry,” she said before she let out a hard rush of breath. “I just— Oh God! If you’re in the middle of something, I…”
I could practically see her shaking her head and from the sound over the phone, I had no doubt that she was.
“No. I’m happy to talk,” she said.
But then silence filled the line, sudden apprehension holding my tongue.
I could hear Molly smile. “Whatever it is, Hope, you know you can say it to me. No matter what.”
I heard something in the background, and I frowned.
“Do you have company?” I asked.
“No one important,” she responded.
Then a familiar male voice filled the line. “No one important she says.”
“Enzo?” I asked.
“Hi, Hope.”
Then he was gone.
“Enzo’s at your place?” I asked.
“You didn’t call to talk about me,” Molly said.
“Did you call to talk about Nico?” Enzo said. His voice was muffled, but I heard him clearly nonetheless.
“You’re so annoying!” she said.
I heard him chuckle, could practically see the mischievous grin on his face.
“You didn’t find me so annoying when you were sitting on my cock, eh?” he said.
“Gross!” I exclaimed into the phone.
“Please ignore the ridiculous manchild, and say what you need to,” Molly said.
“Don’t say that again, Molly,” Enzo said.
“Or?” Molly said.
There was a rustlingagainst the phone, and again Enzo’s voice came over the line.
“I assume you’re calling about my cousin,” he said.
“Um…yeah?” I said.
“He’s an asshole. And he’s the best man you’ll ever meet. Not so good with the relationship thing, so cut him a little slack. And, though he would kill me, literally, if he heard me say this, you have to take the lead. So, if you want to know what’s up, ask him. Dare him to deny the truth. Otherwise, he’ll leave you both twisting in the wind for God only knows how long, and I, for one, am not in the mood.”