Instead, I settled in the corner, one that I had decided it was my favorite, and sat.

I squeezed myself into as tight of a ball as I could, my knees up, my back flush against the wall.

Not like there was any place to hide in this open, almost empty room. That knowledge didn’t stop me from trying, though. No, I burrowed into the corner seeking safety and comfort, even though I was old enough to know now that corners wouldn’t protect me.

It wasn’t like they had protected me back then.

But still.

It was something, and as I sat, the lights off, the room shrouded in darkness, I forced myself to think.

I had memorized the layout of this room and the parts of the place I had seen before, and, sadly, had found nothing that would help me escape.

Not even in from that beautiful window. Despite my best efforts, it hadn’t budged even millimeter.

The bathroom had no window, and I knew if I opened the bedroom door, the goon would be waiting for me.

I looked toward the closet, but then dismissed it.

The best I could hope to find there was a weapon and my earlier search had come up empty.

Leaving me with an incontrovertible truth: there was no way out of this room.

Not yet.

But I reminded myself I had been in bad positions before. Had persevered over people who wished me harm.

Knew that I could do it again.

Iwoulddo it again.

I felt myself drifting, but jerked up, reminding myself that I needed to stay alert.

Be ready.

Don’t let him catch you…


“Am I interrupting your rest, bellissima?”

At the sound of his voice, I practically flew out of my skin.

Which made no sense, because he hadn’t even yelled.

In fact, I wasn’t sure he had done anything more than whisper.

No matter.

I’d gone from a fitful sleep to complete alertness in the blink of an eye.

But at least I wasn’t disoriented.

I knew exactly where I was and exactly who had spoken.

“How do I respond to that?” I said.

There was no trace of drowsiness in my voice, which was shocking to me.