No matter what, you’ll survive.



I lingeredoutside my bedroom door, not wanting to leave, but also knowing that I needed to.

Because of this girl, I’d already broken so many rules.

I should just get this over with and clean up loose ends and then turn my attention to the shitstorm I knew was brewing outside.

But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

And even worse, I had no fucking clue how this naive, innocent girl had gotten me to act so out of character.

I should have washed my hands of her hours ago.

I should wash my hands of her right now.

Yet I turned on my heel and walked away, leaving her in my bedroom.

That room was the closest thing I had to a sanctuary, and no one else was allowed to enter.

That the girl was in there now said things I had no interest in acknowledging, let alone thinking about.

So I didn’t.

Instead I went back downstairs to the guest bedroom that I had converted into a gym. I used the attached bath to shower, and then dressed in cargo pants, boots, and a long-sleeved black T-shirt.

Appropriate attire for this evening’s plans. By the time I emerged, my cousin Enzo was sauntering into the living room.

“The car?” I asked.

“The men are on it,” he said.

“And the other girl?” I asked, remembering how concerned Hope had been about her friend.

Enzo smirked. “She’s been taken care of,” he said. Then, when he heard movement from upstairs, he looked up at the ceiling.

His grin got bigger. “Doesn’t look like you can say the same,” he said.

I ignored him, knowing now wasn’t the time.

Instead I focused on Sebastian, one of the Morettis’ best soldiers, as he entered the living room.

“Keep an eye on her. Do not let her leave,” I said.

He nodded curtly, and I held his eye.

“I’m serious, Sebastian. She steps foot outside that door, it’s your ass,” I said.

“Don’t worry, boss. I’ll make sure she stays in line,” Sebastian said.

I knew what that meant.

After all, I was the one who had trained him.

But the way Sebastian spoke set my teeth on edge and sent a spark of rage through my chest.