It was weird, because although this was clearly a home, there was nothing personal about it. The place could be out of a magazine and in this case, that wasn’t a compliment. I was right that it was beautiful.

But it was also cold.

“Keep walking,” he said.

I looked back at him, and followed his gaze to the floating staircase at the far corner of the room.

I had never actually walked up a staircase like this. Honestly, it kind of scared me, but I walked toward it now, telling myself that the nerves were because of the situation, and not because of my tiny,tiny, totally manageable fear of heights.

I moved up the stairs quickly, not daring to look down, and then turned a corner. I wasn’t sure why, but instinct led me that way, and I decided to follow it.

I walked through the open door and looked around.

A bedroom.

Hisbedroom, to be exact.

It was large, took up what looked to be most of this floor, and though it was still as fancy as the rest of the place I had seen so far, it was slightly more homey.

Very slightly.

There were two watches on the metal dresser.

A pair of jogging pants haphazardly tossed on the floor, but I noticed that the bed was neatly made, and that nothing else was out of place.

“Keep going,” he said.

I screeched, then realized I had forgotten he was standing behind me.



My moment of fear morphed into rage at myself, but that rumination was cut short by his words.

“Go shower,” he said.

Before I could react, he was gone, the door closing with a finality that made me move.

Terror aside, a shower didn’t seem like such a bad idea, so I walked into an intimidatingly expensive-looking bathroom and stopped in front of the shower.

I stared at the knobs, trying to figure out how to work them. When the water hissed and started to flow, I felt the night’s first victory.

When I peeled the paper gown off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor, I caught my reflection in the large mirror.

Wide, shadowed eyes that looked tired. My skin looked ashen. I was never much to look at, but my blemish-free skin had always had a healthy glow, which was nowhere to be found now. I could blame the night’s events for that.

Still, despite everything that had happened today, the reflection in the mirror was just me. The same boring-looking Hope that I saw every day. The terrified girl I never wanted anyone else to see.

Nico had seen me tonight, though, and now I was in the type of danger I had no ability to truly understand.

But it didn’t matter.

I stared at the girl in the mirror and made her a promise.

A promise I fully intended to keep.

You’ll get out of this, Hope.