Another matter altogether.

She’d been impossible to miss when she’d walked through the door ofCarlo’s.

After all, she’d looked utterly terrified, but that wasn’t the only reason she hadn’t belonged.

No, she’d stuck out like a flame on the darkest night, an innocent, naive babe in the woods stumbling into a lion’s den.

She fit every cliché I could imagine.

Sweet, innocent, sheltered.

And in entirely the wrong place.

Knowing that hadn’t been enough to make me look away. Even still, I couldn’t quite decide what drew me to her.

She was average height, five four, maybe five five, with silky-looking brown skin, full, pouty lips that screamed sin, and abundant curves that made my palms itch with the desire to touch them.

I usually went for tall blondes, so this short, curvy black girl with big, innocent eyes shouldn’t have merited a second look.

But I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off her, and I fucking hated that reaction.

I hated it so much I’d been on the verge of having her tossed out on her sexy ass. But my curiosity had gotten the better of me when her friend had sauntered over to her.

They were an odd couple, the friend a bit older and much more at ease in the environment. But there was a camaraderie between the two women, and I could admit my curiosity was piqued.

Which said something.

Between trying to keep the Genovese at bay, keep the family in line, and keep the boss off my ass, nothing much caught my attention these days.

After she’d walked in, I’d listened to my cousin with half an ear, the rest of me focused on the girl.

And for a split second we had locked eyes.

Her terror had been palpable.

She’d looked at me like I was a fucking monster.

So she was a smart girl, something else I could see behind the fear in those big, doe eyes.

But not smart enough to get the fuck out of Carlo’s while she had the chance.

Which was how I found myself in this shit.

The drive passed in a blur, and when I made it to my garage, I turned off the car, but didn’t get out immediately.

Instead I waited, strumming the steering wheel in a steady rhythm that couldn’t have been more different than my chaotic thoughts.

I knew what needed to be done.

Just as I knew I wouldn’t do it.

I let out a deep breath, my decision made.

Sitting here wouldn’t fix it, so I opened the car door and stepped out.

I took a moment to look at the matte gray paint and chrome wheels. Cars were one of the few indulgences I allowed myself, and this was one of my favorites.

Too bad it would have to go.