Everything turned surreal, like an out-of-body experience as she drove too fast through the residential neighborhood. She touched the dashboard screen and clicked the GPS map icon. Ending up at a dead end would be the worst mistake. But did she go to Ryker’s or the police station? Finally, the map appeared. Two lefts and she’d be back onto the expressway.
But when she went to turn, the van clipped the back of her car, spinning her in a circle.
She held tight to the wheel as the world spun.
Her car hit a mailbox and then a light pole on the passenger side, jolting her sideways before rebounding her back into her window with a hard thud.
“Shit!” She rubbed her head, trying to figure out what to do, her head throbbing. She threw it into park and opened the door.
But she was too slow to realize someone stood right there, waiting.
She expected guns in her face and shouts of “FBI! Put your hands up!” And she immediately wished that’s who it was.
She tried to jerk the door closed again, but Walker held it open.
Face bruised and eye swollen from Damon, Walker laughed. “’Fraid that’s not going to work.” With a sad shake of his head, he leaned down and helped her stand with his hand wrapped around her bicep. “C’mon, sugar. No reason to fight this.”
Ella tried to jerk away. “Don’t call me sugar.”
“I’m not a bad guy, despite what Damon says.”
“You offered me three thousand dollars to shake my ass on a table at your bar and promised me tips from men if I, quote, played nice.” She glared at him. “And now you’ve spun out my car. Sorry if I don’t think you’re an upstanding citizen.”
He chuckled as he force-walked her toward the van. “In that light, I do seem sort of horrible.”
But the laughter didn’t take away from the reality of her situation. Ella locked out her legs, pulling back against him. “I’m not going with you. I don’t know”—she grunted with effort—“how you think it will work, forcing me to work at your bar, but this isn’t it.”
“This is way bigger than my bar. I know you’re used to getting your way, sugar, but I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”
She struck out, slapping his face.
“Oh, Ella.” Hetskedunder his breath, tightening his grip. “Or should I say, Elizabeth?” He opened the back of the van.
Her vision swam as she saw the man there, crouched down, waiting.
It was him.
Her stalker.
Davies Scott.
“This is a rather interesting turn of events, isn’t it?” Walker led her closer despite her renewed attempts to pull back.
She screamed, hoping to catch the attention of someone in the neighborhood. Although she dug in her heels, Walker dragged her through the gravel. But she didn’t have time to wait for help.
Twisting around, she threw her hand out, catching Walker across the throat.
He grabbed his neck with one hand, coughing and sputtering, but never released her. His grip held strong no matter out much she jerked and bucked.
She shifted her weight, aiming her knee for his crotch.
Before she made contact, he backhanded her across the face.
That made her spin in a circle and drop to the gravel on her knees.
Walker took hold of her ankle and dragged her toward the van, the stones scraping against her belly.
She took a big breath to scream louder, but a hand covered her mouth. A nasty, sweaty hand, the smell making her want to vomit.