“Nothing more than Pilates. I’m surprised you think Damon will let me out of his grasp between now and when that guy’s caught.”

Damon snaked his arm around her middle, bringing her body fully to his. “Glad you’re getting used to the idea.” He gave her a light squeeze. “But hear Slater out. Like this afternoon, I’ll leave you to sign those papers and you’ll be at the apartment alone. Can’t hurt to learn a few things.”

“It won’t take long.” Slater turned and waved her to follow him. “C’mon.”

With a small grumble, she followed Slater into the living room. “That man is twice my size, Slater. There’s nothing I can do against him.”

“That’s not true. You can always land a good nut shot. Doesn’t matter the size of the man. We all crumple.” Slater grinned when Ella snorted with laughter. “Think you could do that?”

“Probably.” She squared her shoulders, seeming a little more confident. “Do you want me to practice on you? It’ll be easier if you start calling me pet names again.”

He held up his hands. “Nope. Not getting suckered into that one.”

“Fine. Kick them in the nuts. Got that one. What else?”

“The next two may hurt you a little to execute. First, take the heel of your hand to their nose. Shove upward.” Slater turned to Damon. “I won’t break your nose.”

“You better not.” Damon stood there as Slater demonstrated how to hit in slow motion.

Ella did the movement in the air. “Got it. Smush their nose into their brain.”

“Good visual.” Slater turned back to Damon. “The second is a throat chop.” He threw his hand at Damon’s throat, stopping as it touched.

Damon shot his friend a dull look. “Thanks for sparing me.”

“What else?” she asked, chopping in the air.

Slater shook his head. “That’s it for you.”

“What’s something you might do?” She chopped again through the air.

“Hold on, Jackie Chan,” Damon murmured, holding her around the waist. “You’re going to get yourself hurt. I’d rather you get away and run.”

Slater shrugged. “I like to headbutt opponents when the situation arises. It hurts, but hitting them right will hurt them much more. Decisive action. You can’t start and then stop. It’s not a face-to-face bash. It’s more like spearing them with the top of your head in their face.” Slater demonstrated it. “You can break a nose pretty easily.”

“Don’t do it, Ella,” Damon warned. “You’ll hurt yourself more than you can a grown man. Slater, you’re forgetting how short she is.”

She straightened. “I’m not that short.”

“You’re too short to headbutt a who is taller than you by four inches. Stick to the throat chop; it works great. Most men expect a woman to go for their nuts. The throat chop will be a surprise to them.” He glanced back down the hallway. “We’re gone,” Damon called. “Text me if you need me. Xavier, I’ll pick you up in thirty minutes.” He led her toward the door. “Let’s get you settled before I leave again.” He kissed her temple, teasing as he said, “I realize being away from me for an hour or two is painful.”

“I don’t know how I’ll survive. Oh, I know. I’ll shop for something new to wear tomorrow to Cager. Something cute.”

“Can I make a soft request without getting throat-chopped? Whatever you buy, make sure it covers your ass?” He opened her car door. “Please.”

“Sure.” She rose and kissed his cheek. “Thought about showing off my boobs instead this time.”

“You want every man in there to get their ass kicked tomorrow, don’t you?”

She smirked and sat down. “I’d rather see you tempted all night.”

“I’m tempted with you fully dressed.” He closed the door, hoping she was joking, but knowing that either way, he’d be watching over her. Always.


Ryker opened his door. “Ella?” He looked past her. “Where’s Damon?”

“He’s on his way. I need your help. I had a thought for you to research after we left.” She fisted her hands, needing to move. Her idea had given her a major adrenaline rush. Could he do it?Wouldhe do it without Damon giving him permission? She was falling in love with Damon, but she couldn’t worry about him getting mad at her for taking action.