He held his breath. “Wow. I’m sorry. Why weren’t you with them?”
“I ask myself that a lot. But based on what you said, I shouldn’t play what-if games that won’t change the outcome.”
“That’s right.” He let his breath leave with a slow exhale, his body relaxing. He kissed the top of her head. “I’m finding the fate-thing harder to deny with you.”
That statement felt huge coming from him. “Why me?” she whispered.
“I’ve asked myself that a lot today.”
If only he’d elaborate because a few things were going on in her head when it came to him, too. Like what to do when she got back to her old life. Walking away wasn’t impossible. She couldsell her stock. Pack her condo. Move in with Damon. But she what about her responsibility to the company? To the hundreds of employees who worked their asses off to make it a success? To her father?
Leaving her legacy behind to enjoy a future with Damon couldn’t happen overnight.
That left her unsettled. Right then, there wasn’t a happy medium she could accept. Remote work wouldn’t be a long-term solution, especially with Teddy gone. Cassin Systems had no leadership. The past five weeks had already damaged the company.
Damon’s alarm rang at 4:30 a.m., and sleep still hadn’t come to her.
But she pretended to be asleep as he exited the bedroom, doing his morning routine. At five, he leaned on the bed. “Ella? Baby, I’m about to leave for Atlanta.”
She sat up, her eyes burning from the long night of staring into the darkness.
“Xavier is out front. I’m leaving the car here if you need it. Please”—he kissed her—“stay inside. I know you hate it, but please. For my sanity.”
“Will you come see me when you’re done?”
She climbed out of bed. “I’ll head up there now so you can lock up your apartment.”
He walked her out of the apartment and upstairs to her door. “I’ll be in touch.”
“Be safe.”
“You, too.” Damon looked over his shoulder as Xavier slowed near the curb. “He can wait a second.” He leaned down and kissed her.
It was more than a kiss goodbye. He pushed her back against her door, pinning her hips there with his and resting his forearms on either side of her head.
She surrendered to the kiss, her body immediately wanting his. But he ended it before she could think of how to tell him that without sounding like all she wanted from him was sex. She’d already alluded to it last night and the night before. How did she explain that she wanted all of him—the moods, demands, laughs. Everything about him, good and bad, she wanted it. And the physical.
“That’s better than any damn caffeine out there to wake me up in the morning.” He rested his forehead against hers, both out of breath. “I’ll see you later. Lock the door. I’ll let myself inside when I return, so don’t worry about waiting up if it’s late. Go to bed.” He passed her the key to his car. “Don’t leave unless it’s an emergency.” He quirked his lips to the side. “Please.”
“Not sure it makes it less of a demand when you say please. But I’ll stay inside. Good luck with Julia. She can be a handful.”
“What does that mean?” He straightened.
“It’s the polite way to say she’s a bitch.”
He laughed. “I’ll be on my toes.” He kissed her cheek. “Bye.”
“Bye.” And he may have laughed off her description of Julia, but he was about to get a front row seat of her darling stepmother.
“Come in. Come in. I’m so glad you could meet with me.” Julia Cassin, Ella’s stepmother, fidgeted with the diamond tennis bracelet on her thin wrist as she stepped back, letting the guys inside. Her fingers and hands gave away her age, something that couldn’t be hidden by the injections and procedures she’d had done to her face.
Although, right then, her face showed a woman who’d been brought down by grief. Through the makeup, Damon spotted the red, raw nose and puffy eyes, both signs of crying. Probably for her son Teddy instead of Ella.
She sniffed, dabbing at her nose with a tissue as she led them to the dining room beside the modern kitchen. Damon hadn’t mentioned it to Ella because she’d never asked, but Julia had requested the meeting at Ella’s penthouse apartment. Top floor of the most exclusive place in Atlanta. The guys had agreed to pretend as if they didn’t know it belonged to Ella, but they were all curious about it. Why would she meet here?