Damon’s small laugh matched his look. Warm and masculine. The beard did it for her. Trimmed short, it was dark brown like his closely cropped hair and eyes. Slater was the complete opposite. Lighter skin, dark blond hair cut short, either green or blue eyes. Hard to tell since her attention was drawn to Damon.
Ryker was cute. He had messy brown hair and olive-toned skin that looked natural compared to Xavier’s suntanned skin. Xavier was the gym bro and looked like a G.I. Joe in his black exercise shorts and Marines written across his navy T-shirt, filled with, no doubt, hard-earned muscles.
Slater seemed to hold back a smart-ass reply based on his pained expression. “Let me rephrase that,” he gritted out between clenched teeth. “What makes you think the same person who killed Teddy is out to kill you?”
“For about six weeks before Teddy’s death, I thought someone was stalking me. I’d get that funny feeling of being watched. Followed. Then, I started seeing the same man. Nearly everywhere I went, there he was. I started changing my routes and routines. That helped for a few days before he started showing up again. I told Teddy. He started noticing the same thing. Not as often as I did, but occasionally, he saw the man I described. I came home one day to my apartment door standing wide open. I called the police and went back downstairs to wait.”
“What did they find?” Slater crossed his arms over his chest.
“Nothing. They said I must’ve left it open, which is ridiculous.” She looked at Ryker and then back to Damon. “One cop told me I shouldn’t worry my little head about it. That’s when I called you the first time. Julia had mentioned you in passing and I thought, why not.”
“Did the neighbors see anyone?” Damon set his hands on his hips, seeming annoyed. “Did you ask or the police interview anyone on your floor?”
“I don’t have neighbors.” At their silence, she added, “I own the top floor.”
Xavier whistled low. “Where do you live?”
“Penthouse apartment in downtown Atlanta.”
“And where are you staying now?” Damon asked.
She rolled her lips inward, wishing she didn’t have to admit it. “My car.”
Damon lowered his head slightly. “Your car? How long have you been doing that?”
“Since I left a month ago.” She rushed on as Damon turned away, shaking his head. “I haven’t had a way to get housing. My name is all over the news. I had some cash, but that officially ran out today. I own a massive company, and I’m standing here penniless.” Waiting until Damon turned toward her, she pulled back her shoulders. She felt more exposed than ever before, but she wouldn’t show it. Her father had taught her not to show weakness. “I have the money to pay for your help. Promise. I need my life back to access my bank account.”
Damon shrugged out of his suit jacket. That was a change from this afternoon. From jeans and a T-shirt to a custom-tailored suit. What did he do aside from owning Cager? She tugged at her secondhand shirt, feeling out of her league for once in her life. She usually ran the room. Made the deals. Now, she was at the mercy of these men.
“I’ll give you a place to stay and food.”
“And a job at Cager.”
He carefully folded his jacket over the back of the chair. “I don’t think that’s safe, Ella.”
She nodded, understanding his side, but he had to understand hers. “I know the risk. But I came to you for a job and help finding Teddy’s killer. I’ve worked since I was twelve. This past month has been hell to sit and do nothing. Ineedto work, Damon. Please.”
“Fine.” He didn’t seem convinced, but at least he had allowed her this. “I’ll be with you to and from Cager and while you’re there. Let me know if the man you recognize shows up. I’ll handle him.”
That statement shouldn’t give her chills, but it did. She looked at the other men before back at Damon. “I can’t imagine anyone thinking of looking for me in a bar in Charleston. Thank you for the job.”
“Don’t thank me yet. You’re sure you want to bartend?” He glanced past her to Xavier. “She’s never bartended before.”
“I’m capable of nearly everything. I can do it. Promise.”
Damon scoffed. “I’ll agree you think you’re capable of anything. Right now, we need to start looking for this runaway. You’re safe, Ella, but that child isn’t. That’s why I had to turn you down before. I’m sorry for it.”
He seemed a little angry, and she wasn’t sure what for. “I understand.” There was no question that they should focus their attention on that. “You mentioned I’d stay somewhere? If I have a safe place to park my car, I can just keep staying there for now?—”
“No. You’re not staying in your car. I’ll put you up in an apartment.” He slid his hands into his pockets. “I own a few apartment complexes.”
That was interesting. “Is that why we’re meeting here?”
“Yes. You’ll stay in the empty unit above me.”
“I’ll pay you back the rent.”
“Don’t worry about it. It’s furnished for this reason. And when you work at Cager, I don’t expect to see Elizabeth Cassin working behind my bar.”