Ryker shook his head. “We can’t transfer the money from her account without her.” He sent the FBI a bland smile. “People don’t like it when I screw with the banking system.”

Agent Tillman rolled her eyes.

“I have it,” Damon announced. “Give Ryker your account information. Ryker, transfer the money. Where is she, Walker? I swear if she dies before I get there, I’m going to bury you with that million.”

“At her place,” he blurted out. “Julia shot Davies in the face for killing her son. That’s one crazy bitch. After that, I got the fuck out of there. Not what I signed up for. Man, you should have seen Ella. When she found out her stepmom killed her dad, fucking headbutted the old lady. Sent her to the ground.”

“That’s our girl,” Slater announced with pride.

“Matteo disabled the cameras in the building. You’re good to get up there without being noticed. They’re having her sign over her ownership and her bank accounts. Okay. That’s all I have. I want my money.”

Damon looked to Ryker and Slater. “If something happens and she can get free, she’ll come out those doors. Get her out of here. Don’t wait on us. Get her away from here.” He handed Ryker back his helmet. “You guys take care of her if anything happens to me.”

“Of course,” Ryker said, frowning at the request.

Damon gave Xavier a hard look and pulled out his gun.

“Last time,” Xavier said, reading his mind before they took off across the street, Jeff right behind them.

“I need to remind you both that you’re not authorized…” Jeff trailed off as Xavier rounded on him, pulling him up by his shirt front.

“We all want Ella safe. If you stay out of our way, we can do that. If you don’t know what we’re capable of, you’re about to have a front row seat.” Xavier dropped him and pushed into the building behind Damon. Both had lowered their weapons but kept at a jog to the elevators. “Top floor.”

The ride was silent, Jeff wiping sweat off his upper lip. The peaceful elevator music out of place.

Xavier stood stoic, facing the door with zero emotion.

Damon was a damn wreck inside.

He closed his eyes, getting it under control. Deep, long breaths. This wasn’t the end. “If Matteo doesn’t cooperateand Ella’s life is at risk, I’m shooting. You can call that premeditated.”

Damon’s statement was met with silence.

The elevator doors opened.

Xavier motioned Damon to go first. “I have your back, brother.”

They took silent steps down the hall, Jeff trailing along as before. “This isn’t protocol at all,” he muttered under his breath.

“Nope.” Xavier chambered a round in his gun. “Unlike your protocols, the man that plans to kill Ella has lost all right to live.”

Damon pressed his ear against the door. He listened, hearing two voices. And then a third. Two women and one man. He let out a breath and nodded at Xavier. Based on what Walker had said, she was still alive. Now, they had to get inside without pushing Matteo into killing her immediately. He tried the doorknob.


Surprising, but he’d take the advantage.

Xavier moved flat against the hallway wall on one side and Jeff on the other as Damon eased the door open a crack and dropped to a crouch. From this angle, he heard they were in the living room, but he couldn’t see them.

“Sign these and then write down the rest of your bank accounts.”

“I don’t know the account numbers off the top of my head.”

“That’s bullshit, Elizabeth. You have an incredible memory for numbers. Write them down.”

Damon inched the door open enough to move silently into the condo.

Xavier moved in behind him, crawling into the kitchen to the second opening to the living room.