“Absolutely. And if you don’t want to pay him back when he comes to collect, send him to me. I’ll pay.” She continued going through, noting draw after draw of money to the bank account, keeping a mental count. And then there was one that was different. An entry that didn’t get put in the draw account but charged as a consulting fee on Tuesday. Two hundred thousand dollars in one transaction. They rarely hired consultants, let alone one that would charge that much. Maybe they hired one with her absent to help run Cassin Systems.
She tapped her finger on the screen. “I wonder…” She flipped to the supporting notes for the entry. Even with the override, Julia couldn’t have entered that account without the person being paid documented in the system.
She followed the trail back to the vendors they had entered, locating the assigned vendor number. A cold sweat broke out immediately as it started to click. “Unbelievable.”
“What is?” Damon asked, his hand never leaving her shoulder.
Ella shook off the question, her mind too busy rushing through the system and locating additional payments. Because she recognized the corporation they’d paid. And there wasn’t anything that the company could do for her business.
She ran her hand through her hair. “At this rate, I won’t have a company to come back to.”
If she ever made it back.
What if she never returned?
What if everything she’d worked her entire life for was gone?
Her father’s legacy eliminated?
What if Julia won?
“Ella?” Ryker said. “Damon, she doesn’t look so good.”
Damon kissed her temple, but she couldn’t move. Because, so far from what she’d found, Julia had paid herself $1.2 million.
And the total payments to Matteo’s company sat on the screen, mocking her.
$1.5 million.
“I’m going to be sick.” And she was. She pushed back from the computer desk and ran the short distance to the bathroom in the hallway, grabbing onto the toilet just in time.
She’d trusted him.
Sleptwith him.
And what was between Julia and Matteo?
None of this made any sense. Ella cleaned up and left the bathroom.
Damon held out a bottle of water. “Better?”
“Not really. So far, Matteo’s company has been paid $1.5 million from mine. Julia took close to $1.2 million. That’s in amonth. It’s not even my money they’re taking. They’re stealing from Cassin Systems’ profits. If this keeps up another month, I won’t have a company to go home to.” She leaned against Damon’s chest, not hugging him but wanting the support. “If I ever get back home.”
“You will.” He kissed the top of her head. “Come on.” Damon led her back to the computer room. “Ryker said you were interested in some relationship between Matteo and Julia. What makes you think that?”
“That last time I saw Matteo I was at his place?—”
A deep rumble came from Damon’s chest.
“Stop it.” She nudged him in the ribs. “I overheard him on the phone with Julia.”
Damon frowned with confusion. “Why would they talk?”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“They did seem friendly at the meeting,” Ryker chimed in. “Matteo sat down and patted her hand, leaving it there for five seconds.”
“And she touched his bicep at one point, leaning into him,” Damon added. “She defaulted to him. Laughed with him. Seemed like they shared inside jokes. They have a relationship.”