“You have fifteen minutes,” Mitchell said. “Then, I’m closing this shit down.”

“I’ll agree to the fifteen minutes because that’s reasonable for what I need.”

“I’m taking this virus off the computer system before you deploy it.”

Ryker shook his head. “Zero faith, man. You let me inside. In fifteen minutes, it’ll take itself off your system. Promise.” He ended the call and pushed back from the desk, standing. “It’s all yours. But you need to realize that he’ll track everywhere you go.”

“Got it.” She sat down and reached for the mouse. “I want to see—” She jumped with a loud banging on the front door.

“Probably your sweetheart.” Ryker pulled his gun and left the room.

Another minute later, and his light laugh preceded him down the hallway. He entered the office. “Prince Charming is here.”

Ella bit her lip as Damon stalked in behind him, scowling. “You could’ve waited.”

“But I didn’t want to.” Ella crossed to him, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her body tight to his. “I wore sunglasses if that eases your mind about me being recognized.”

“It doesn’t. I want you protected.”

“I appreciate you not yelling at me this time. I know you want to.”

He rested his forehead against hers. “Sorry,” he whispered. “I can’t lose you.”

Ella kissed him. It was the only way she’d silence theI love youthreatening to leave her lips.

Ryker cleared his voice. “I hate to interrupt your make out session in my apartment. God knows, it’s not seen any action lately from me, but Ella, you have twelve minutes left.”

“For what?” Damon asked, his eyes clear from the earlier anger.

“For her to finish going through the accounting records in Cassin Systems.”

Never mindat Damon being mad.

Irritation filled his expression as he looked over her head to Ryker. “You logged into the system?”

Ella sat down at the computer, leaving Ryker to explain.

“Don’t get pissed. I’ve kept her as safe as I can, but she had a hunch about a connection between Julia and Matteo. My other computer is analyzing the data between her evil stepmom and Mr. Sex God.”


“That’s what Matteo calls himself.” Ella focused on her accounting records, skipping straight to the adjusting journal entries. These were the manual entries performed to tidy up the books or close out accounts at the end of the reporting period. But if someone had access to the system, they could manipulate the accounts as they saw fit.

And someone had.

One after another, she looked over entries from an override account. Only two people had the privilege of overwriting: Ella and Teddy.

“I hate Julia,” she muttered.

Damon leaned over her shoulder, looking at the screen. “What did she do?”

“All of these. Some of them make no sense. She’s moving shit around in the system. Oh well, never mind.” She pointed at one on the screen. “Yesterday she moved $40,000 out of the bank account and put it into the owner’s draw account before routingthe money to herself. I can only assume that’s her bank account number.” She looked over her shoulder at Ryker. “Can you track that account number?”

“Yes, but that would take more effort than asking an old friend for a favor.”

Ella laughed. “That was more of a threat than a favor.”

“It worked, didn’t it?”