“How did you get here?” He stepped back, motioning her inside before checking outside again. “Did Damon drive you?” When he turned back, his face had lost its usual friendliness. “Please tell me Damon drove you and he’s coming inside behind you. You said he’s on his way. What does that mean?”
“It means I called a taxi.”
“And Damon knows about this.”
She held up her phone. “Since he tracks this thing like a teenager on social media, I suspect he knows.”
He shook his head, still seeming annoyed. “You should’ve called him.”
Ella took a deep breath, holding onto his shoulders and her control. “Ryker, I?—”
Her phone rang.
She flipped it to speaker. “Hi.”
“Why are you at Ryker’s?” Damon demanded, his engine revving loud in the background. “Why did you leave the apartment?”
His tone didn’t bother her. She’d expected it. “I had a big epiphany about motivation and needed him to check on something. How long until you’re here?”
“Five minutes. Ryker?—”
“She’s safe.”
Damon ended the call.
Ella arched an eyebrow. “Satisfied?”
“I know it’s frustrating, but no one wants to see you hurt or worse. And he’s doing his best. Giving up control is hard for him.” He ran a hand through his dark hair, messing it up even more, but somehow, it still looked like a planned hairstyle. “I’m sure it’s not easy for you either.”
“No, it’s not. And if this were a different environment, I wouldn’t accept it. We’re both used to being in charge and getting our way.” She leaned to the side, looking down his hallway. “But until my sweet-natured bodyguard arrives, can we get started?”
“Yes. Let me grab a shirt.” He walked ahead of her, his back covered in a black-and-gray tattoo.
“I had no idea you had this.” Ella walked closely behind him, analyzing the detail. “It’s incredible. Who is it?” She spotted a gunshot scar but refrained from asking. Maybe Damon would tell her later.
“Archimedes. Known as the Father of Mathematics.” He grinned and twisted to the side, raising his arm. Along his ribcage was a cartoon-looking owl. “This is Archimedes, too.”
“From the Disney movie?”
“Yup.” He motioned to his office. “Wait one second.” He disappeared into his room at the end of the hall and come back with a black T-shirt in his hand. “Now. What were you thinking about?”
“Matteo. I was thinking about Matteo.”
“Now I know why you wanted to skip Damon. He won’t be happy to know you’ve been thinking of that man.” He sat down and spun to face her. “Not after our meeting with him and Julia. It was bad.”
“Damon didn’t tell me what happened. He wouldn’t.”
“He wouldn’t want to repeat the words.”
She waited a moment before waving to him to continue. “This is where you tell me what happened.”
He winced. “I’d rather not.” But after another short standoff, he threw a hand in the air, giving up. “Fine. Matteo bragged about the last time he saw you.”
“We had lunch.” Boring salad with grilled chicken.
“And went back to his place afterward.”