He smiled.

She frowned. “What?”

“I don’t want to risk losing my financial analyst by hitting on you, but damn, you’re sexy like this.”

Her face cleared. “Oh.” She looked back at the computer, smiling. “That’s another first.”


“Being called sexy while I’m calculating net operating income.”

He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it. “Stop talking dirty or else I’ll haul you back to the bedroom.”

Before she responded, his phone chimed.

Ryker:Found something I need to show Ella. Come over. Everyone will be here.

He stared at the text,hating to interrupt the distraction of his business to bring her back into reality.

A killer remained on the loose and was after her.

He’d tried to tell her several times about the man he’d seen outside her apartment Monday but couldn’t. Inside his apartment, the rest of the world didn’t exist. It wasn’t only her happiness he wanted to preserve. With her here, it was like he’d finally discovered the other half of himself.

Ella spun the laptop to face him. “Before you tell me what has put that look on your face, let me tell you one more thing. It would be best to get a neutral third-party appraiser for this property.” She pointed at the screen. “I’m going through the appraisal right now, and the person is contradicting themselves all over the place. I’ll save you the step of even reading this trash.”

“That’s an easy fix. I’ll get on that next week.”

She looked up at him. “Next week? Why don’t you go ahead and call them now?”

“I would, but we have something to do in about ten minutes.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” She grinned and leaned forward.

He smiled. “I wish it were that, but Ryker texted. He needs us to come to his place. Everyone will be there. He, um, found some things for you to look over.”

“What kind of things?”

“He didn’t say.” Which meant it wasn’t anything he wanted to share over a text message. “So finish that or note where you are in the document, and then let’s get ready to leave.”

With a tiny frown, she typed something before snapping the lid shut. “Playtime is over. I’ve enjoyed my past two days with you. It’s been nice to work again.”

“I’m glad.”

“Honestly, I’m surprised you let me help with your business. With your history of telling me what to do, I figured you wouldn’t accept my advice.”

He stopped her as she headed toward the front door. “I tell you what to do to keep you safe. I would never pretend to besmarter than you in this. You’re a damn genius at business. Why would I not take your suggestions?”

She blushed with the compliment and rose on her toes. “Thank you”—she kissed him—“for saying that. It makes me feel less like a needy, weak woman, which is all I’ve felt like since this began.”

“You’re needy, but not like that.”

Running her hand down his chest to his abs, Ella smirked. “I am. Very. Do we have time?”

Damon swatted her on the bottom. “Later. Get changed. Knowing Ryker, he hasn’t slept in days to try and get some answers. I don’t want to keep him waiting.”

“You’re right. I’ll go get ready.”

A few minutes later, Damon waited for her at the bottom of the stairs to her apartment as she locked her door. She wore low, tight jeans but hadn’t changed her T-shirt. It was one of his Marines shirts that she’d lounged around in for the past day.